Grundy County School inservice
Katie Goforth and Tonya Garner met and worked with members of the Grundy County Health Alliance on community outreach. -
Tenn Primary Care Association Meeting
Affordable Care Act. Detailed information about TPCA services, ACA Basics, Special Enrollment periods, legislative updates. Results: With 18.4% of Grundy residents ages 18 to 65 uninsured, it is essential that residents are informed of their choices. The information and resources gathered at this conference will help in public education. -
Grundy Health Council Meeting
Introduced the SCPHN and it's goals and objectives. -
Rural Behavorial Health Webinar
Addressed social determinants for children and learned how some communities are addressing mental health needs for rural children. -
Rural Ambassador Meeting
Hosted by TN Justice Center. Agenda: Toolkit for TennCare (access and enrollment resources); Legislation; Development of local plan for assisting enrollment. Increasing healthcare coverage enrollment of residents on the Plateau will improve health outcomes. -
Meeting with Grundy Primary Care Clinic
Katie Goforth met with Caleb Rae of Grundy Primary Care Clinic to discuss goals and ojbectives of the netwoek and invite him to join. -
Coaching You Comminity's Journey Toward Health Webinar
Hosted by County Health Rankings and Road Map (www.countyhealthrankings.org) Information shared about the County Health Rankings, Culture of Health Prize, and Coaching services offered by the organization. -
Steering Commitee Meeting
Meeting involved Shelia Beard, Julie Keel, Jim Peterman, Katie Goforth, Amanda Cook, Sarah Brown, John Wheeler, Lacey Oliver, Emily Partin. This meeting involved several community organization including VISTA, University of the South, and South Cumberland Learning and Developmnt. -
Meeting with Uiversity of the South and Sewanee Messenger
Katie Goforth met with Kathy Solomon (University of the South) and Laura Willis (Sewanee Messenger). Introduced the SCPHN Goals and Objectives. Discussed building the public awareness of health care needs and opportunities. -
Facebook Page
[South Cumberland Plateau Health Network](www.facebook.com/southcumberlandplateauhealthnetwork) Contains information about data, TennCare, media releases, and community resources. -
Meeting with Grundy County Government
Katie Goforth met with Grundy County Executive Mayor Michael Brady to introduce the SCPHN and deliver the Letter of Commitment signed by the previous Mayor. Mr. Brady is interested in improving health outcomes for Grundy Co., and in July had noted interest in exploring a critical access hospital for Grundy Co. -
South Cumberland Learning and Development Center planning meeting
A "brick and mortar" grant was recently awarded to repair/renovate the old GCHS, for the purpose of providing space for classes to be offered by local colleges and community members (including medical assistant classes) and for counseling of VBHS clients. Brainstorming about possible uses for the building, needs assessment, etc. Action Steps: Formation of sub-committees, several of which involve SCPHN members. -
Wingo Contact List Created
Creation of contact list on Wiggio. Results: All Steering Committee members can add to this "live" document and build the network. -
Middle TN Chapter Rural Health Association of TN Conference
Agenda: e-Cigarettes; Anti-Tobacco Initiatives; Community Paramedicine; ACA Update; Population Health; Health Care Workforce Development. Posted notes and hand-outs to Wiggio Steering Committee. Results: Networking with agencies who can assist the SCPHN. Arranged meeting with Cindy Siler of the Tennessee Rural Partnership (TRP)to extend collaboration efforts.Identified on-line resources available from the TN Dept of Health for mapping community resources/providers, etc. -
HIMSS Rural Health IT Community Webinar
Introduction of IT resources to assist with collaboration between patient, primary care, specialist and hospital. Results: Sharing of resource materials and links, and announcement of future HIMSS events. -
OHRP, ACA, and You: Office Hours Webinar
This webinar covered Medicaid and CHIP enrollment processes. 18% of Grundy, 17% of Marion, and 16% of Franklin Co. residents are uninsured. -
University of the South Ethnography Class planning meeting
Various groups from the community met to learn about Dr. Celeste Ray's semester ethnography research project. Students will conduct lifestyle interviews of community members in Tracy City. The group brainstormed questions related to their individual data needs. The answers will provide important data about healthcare gaps/disparities affecting the community. -
SCPHN Meeting
Review of formation of SCPHN; review of Health Provider and Ranking data; intro. of Event Log; update on TennCare enrollment community outreach; organizational collaboration with RHAT, TNRP, NCHN; developing partnerships with community members; formalization of SCPHN governance; new HRSA grant opportunity. -
Grundy County Council Meeting
Attended by Tonya Garner, Sheila Beard, Julie Keel, Jim Peterman, Katie Goforth, Sarah Brown, John Wheeler, Lacey Oliver, Emily Partin, Caleb Rae, Karen Wickham, and Carol VandenBosch. Community partners involved included Grundy County Health Department and Grundy County Health Council Partners. -
TennCare Appeals Process Webinar
One-hour overview of the Appeals process, materials and legal assistance available from Tenn. Justice Center. Helping people get healthcare coverage will impact health outcomes. -
Technical Assistance Webinar for HRSA Grant Application
Data 201 Webinar
Hosted by RWJ Foundation, introduced features available on the County Health Rankings website, to assist in disaggregation of data and deep data analysis. -
Leadership Grundy
This class provided an opportunity to further SCPHN goals and objectives through collaboration and project work with others in the class. -
Tracy City Business Club Meeting
Community Outreach to share SCHPN goals and objectives, and incorporate these, as appropriate, with goals of the TCBC. -
Crime and Public Safety: What Does Health Have to Do with It? Webinar
Hosted by RWJ Foundation. The RWJF highlighted a Culture of Health Prize winning community that developed innovative programs to improve social health factors that affect overall health outcomes. The information detailed the importance of inter-agency collaboration on health initiatives (cross-pollination of ideas between such entities as the SCPHN, Grundy Safe Communities, law enforcement, and the Grundy Health Council). -
Meeting with Office of Career Development
Meeting with Lisa Howich with the Office of Career Development to share objectives ad goals of the SCPHN. Lisa assists students in curriculum/career/post-grad/fellowship opportunities -
Evaluation Action Group Meeting
Steering Commitee Meeting
Agenda: Evaluation; Development of Mission Statement; Cerner Resources; Communications; Market Place Trainings and Sign Up; Focus Groups; Dental Health Outreach; Future Presenters -
Leadership Grundy meeting with Agri-business leaders
Possible community funders for future projects -
ACA Training for Marketplace Enrollments
SCPHN Meeting
HRSA Planning Grant Webinar
Rural Health Association of Tennessee Conference
Rural Health Association of Tennessee Conference
Grundy County Addiction and Recovery Rountable
Over 200 people gathered to learn about the issues of substance abuse in Grundy County. Entities from all areas and fields were represented. -
ACA Town Hall Meeting
Community awareness even to inform about health care coverage -
Leadership Grundy meeting with Schools
Overview of county, Early Intervention Services for birth - 3 yr, Food programs, CTE, Reading Initiative, safe buildings. The Early Intervention Services, Food programs, and Medical orientation for CTE are areas in which the SCPHN can collaborate. -
ACA Marketplace enrollment event
Enrolling uninsured health care users -
ACA Markeyplace enrollment planning meeting
The goal is to enroll as many uninsured in Grundy, as possible, in order to improve their access to health care. -
Evaluation group meeting
Grant Writing Workshop
Grant Application and Management Workshop
Board Meeting - Beersheba Springs Medical Clinic
ACA Enrollment Event - Grundy County Heritage Center
Grundy County Food Bank Community Outreach
Organizational meeting for Community Conversations
SCPHN Network Meeting
NCHN Annual Leadership Summit Conference
NCHN Annual Leadership Summit Conference
Leadership Grundy
Community Development (non-profits, agencies working in Grundy) Introduced to Miracle on the Mountain playground project for disabled kids. -
Framework Class
Learning effective ways for framing conversations with varied audiences. -
Insure Tennessee Webinar
Frontier and Remote Areas Methodology Webinar
Facilitator Training for Community Conversations
Leadership Learning Community Conference call with NCHN
Innovation and Creativity. The primary goal of the Learning Communities is to build leadership capacity within the newly forming rural health networks. -
ACA Sign Up at Smokehouse in Monteagle
Signed up 10 and set them up for helping others through the American Exchange. -
ACA Signup
Partnered with Medical Foundation of Chattanooga to work with local volunteers to do an ACA Sign up: helped 6 -
ACA Sign up
Partnered with Medical Foundation of Chattanooga to work with local volunteers to do an ACA Sign up: helped 8 -
Distribution of flyers for Palmer Community Conversations
Distribution of flyers for Palmer Community Conversations
County Health Rankings and Roadmap Building Community Capacity through Coaching Webinar
Palmer Community Conversations on Health
Distribution of flyers for Tracy City and Monteagle Community Conversations
Episcopal Bishops' Wives meeting
Coordinated by Bonnie McCardell, who brought together community, VISTAS, SCPHN to share their goals. -
Distribution of flyers for Monteagle Community Conversations
Steering Meeting
NDEP Webinar Series
Community Health Workers: Their Roles in Preventing and Controlling Chronic Conditions -
HRSA Grantee Quarterly Conference Cell and Q&A
Tracy City Community Conversations of Health
ACA Enrollment Event
Smoke House. Network volunteers and Med. Foundation of Chatt. Partnered to assist 11 people with health coverage enrollments. -
ACA Enrollment Event
So. Tenn. Med. Systems. Network volunteers and Med. Fndtn of Chatt. Partnered to assist 12 people with health coverage enrollments. Two more were assisted by phone. -
Evaluation focus group meeting
Review Community Participatory questions and plan. -
Helth Council Meeting
Seminar: Developing a Dynamic Board, Center for Non-Profit Mgmt.
Seminar: Basic Grant Writing, Center for Non-Profit Mgmt.
Grundy County Joint Economic and Community Development Board
NRHC Leadership Learning Webinar
NCHN Leadership Learning Webinar
SCPHN meeting with Nancy Anness of St. Thomas Hospital
Pelham Community Conversations
Grundy Health Council Meeting
Leadership Grundy - State Gov't "Grundy Day on the Hill"
Monteagle Community Conversations
NCHN Leadership Learning Webinar: Network Board Development
NCHN Leadership Leaning Webinar: Network Board Development
Rural Scholars Planning Meeting
South Cumberland Learning and Development Center Sterring Meeting
Meeting with Candie Starr, COO of STRHS Sewanee Hospital
Health Council Meeting
NCHN Leadership Leaning: Strategic Thinking
Diabetes Coalition Meeting
Weatherization Steering Meeting
Tracy City Mayor's meeting with SETDD
RWJF Diet and Exercise Webinar
RWJF Webinar on Diet and Exercise initiatives for CHIP
CHIP is the community health improvement planning. -
NCBH Presentation
Using Youth Mental Health First Aid to foster GRIT (Project AWARE). -
Updating of the Network Website
Center for Non-Profit Management Conference
Financial Sustainability: What is Your Vision for the Future. Received individual coaching from CNM strategic planning consultant. -
SCPHN Meeting
Review of Community Conversations and survey questions; Strategic planning process -
Health Council Meeting
Surveys conducted at the Senior Citizens lunch program in Monteagle.
Surveys conducted at Mountain Goat Market
Surveying at Tracy ball park
Surveys at May Justus Library and Midway Park
Conduct Surveys at the Grundy County Food Bank
RWJF Leadership Webinar
Meeting with Diabetes Coalition
Reading Initiative Conference
Attended at the invitation of the Office of Community Engagement, Univ. of the South. Used as a platform to share SCPHN goals/objectives, understand structure and needs within the school system on "wellness wheel" initiatives, and learning strategies for effective strategic planning. -
SCPHN Strategic Planning Session
Data Dive at Volunteer Behavorial Health Care System
RWJF Data Across Sectors ffor Health 2015 Webinar
Meeting with EPA, Appalachia Mgmt, & Aer Optometric
To discuss Diabetes Coalition initiatives (Reversing Diabetes) and possible PPOD model for SCLDC. -
Local Foods, Local Places Workshop
Back to School Bash for Grundy County Schools
distributing supplies and information to families. Spoke to parents of 325 children about the goals and objectives of SCPHN, and distributed contact info. -
Local Foods, Local Places Workshop
Meeting with Community Ambassador, Sara G. Brown
To gain insights on community priorities for SCPHN operations. -
Rotary Club Meeting
Diabetes Coalition Meeting
Strategic planning meeting
Rotary Club meeting
SCLDC Meeting
Grundy Health Council Meeting
Diabetes Coalition meeting
CAPR Program
Meeting with Sheriff Shrum to plan CAPR (Canine Assisted Prisoner Recovery) pilot program. -
SCLDC Steering Meeting
University of the South Conference
Discussing Positive Deviance as a method of engaging the community by "flipping" assessments from gaps to assets, focusing/identifying what is working to improve health among individuals that should, logically, not have improved health outcomes (but do). -
SCHN Steering Meeting
GCHC Diabetes Coalition Meeting
Renaissance Planning TA Call
Local Foods, Local Places initiative. Review of final draft of Action Plan. SETDD might be able to develop a business incubator model into the current grant and build in operating costs into the budget for a limited period of time so there is sustainability going forward. HRSA grant opportunity –Grundy County is within the catchment area of a FQHC, which is underutilized and self-reports that it doesn’t offer mental health services, dentist, xray, etc. -
Begin Grundy CARE Program
Canine Assisted Recovery Effort for Grundy jail inmates, in collaboration with local Therapy Dog program. Potential for growth and increased behavioral health services in conjunction with program. -
RWJF Community Coaching
RWJF HEALTHY Plateau Team Meeting
Meeting with Dr. Jim Peterman's Medical Ethics Class to collbaborate with students on research related to the RWJF community coaching. -
GCHC Meeting
Network members involved include Julie Keel, Tonya Garner, Emily Partin, Katie Goforth, VISTAS, and Nicky Hamilton. -
Healthier Tennessee Communities (HTC) T.A. call: Workplace Wellness
UTK Smart Communities Project
Provided feedback to UTK about their Smart Communities Project, which includes health care access community surveys and other health initiatives. -
Sewanee Yale Collaborative Meeting at Beersheba Springs
Discussed possible interests to do public health research on the South Cumberland Plateau -
Rotary Meeting with Nancy Anness
Meeting with Nancy Anness of St. Thomas Health. Advertised to our SCHN Network and Steering. -
Chronic Disease Self-Manageent Seminar
Advisory Board for the South Cumberland Health Network Establishment
Dr. Norman Weatherby (MTSU),
Dr. Greg Heath (UT Chattanooga),
Dr. Linda Mayes (Yale School of Medicine),
Nancy Anness (St. Thomas Health). -
Diabetes Coalition Meeting
Strategic Planning Workshop
Final Class for Grundy CARE Canine Assisted Recovery Effort
Channel 9 news interviews on Grundy CARE program.
Consultation with Nancy Anness to secure partial funding for VISTA position
Grundy County Health Council Meeting
Introduction of the TN Healthier Communities designation and its goals and objectives. -
Rural Health Association of Tennessee Annual Conference
11/18-11/20/2015 :
The South Cumberland Health Network was awarded the 2015 Collaboration Award. Network member Tonya Garner awarded the Rural Health Worker of the Year. Network members Karen & Steven Wickham awarded the 2015 Award of Merit for work in the community to reverse/prevent diabetes. -
Meeting with Sheriff Shrum to review outcomes of Grundy CARE pilot program and plan for spring program.
RWJF Community Coaching HEALTHY Plateau Team Meeting with Dr. Peterman's Medical Ethics Class
RHAT Awards
South Cumberland Health Network Network and Steering Meetings, Recognition event for community partners, recognizing RHAT awards and furthering partnership with RHAT, HRSA, NCHN and TNRP.