The Prison Door
-after 15 or 20 years the wooden jail was already marked with indications of age. pg 41
-black flower of civiled society, prison pg 41
-wild rose bush pg41 -
The Market Place
-wanted to brand hester prynn with an iron pg 45
-wanted to kill hester prynn
-child comes in the picture 3 months old pg 45 -
The Recognition
-stranger recognition pg 53
-The farther is not known 54
-he will be known he will be known he will be known54
-hester will not speak of the man 58-59 -
The interview
hester is nervous/excited and demanded constant attention fear of violence on her self or babe pg 60
-roger chillingworth husband of hester pg 63
-promises to stay silent about both men pg 65 -
Hester at her needle
-confinement was done pg 66
-tomorrow would bring its own trial with it so would the next day, and so would the next, each its own trial with it, so would the next day , so would the next, each its own trial.pg 66 -
-innocent had sprung.. pg 74
-save it were sinful like herself pg 74
-fearful into the childs nature pg 74
-wild-flower prettiness of peasant-baby..pg 75
-hester prynn often dropped to her knees pg 79 -
The Governors Hall
-if pearl was capable of moral and religious growth... pg 83
-pearl seeing the rose bush..pg88
-in truth pg 88 -
The Elf-Child and the Minister
behind governor and mr wilson came two other guest.. pg 90
pearl?-ruby,rather...pg 91
speak thou for me! pg 94
- is that my pearl? pg 96 -
The leech
-background of roger chillingworth pg 98
-dimmsdale health fail pg 100
-pg 101 seems as mr dimsdale doesnt want help with his health
-102 roger and dimmsdale develop a relationship and find something new
-denied women pg104 -
The leech and his patient
-we learn that roger chillingworth is trying to kill dimmesdale
and is evil pg 107
-roger notices that dimmesdale knows what he is doing pg 109
-pearl and hester are seen pg 110-11
-come away mother ..pg 111 -
the miniters vigil
-pearl associates dimmsdale with the scarlet letter -
another view of hester
--dimmesdale standing on scafold by himself for all to see pg251 -
Hester and the Physician
pg 265 i would like to speak to you -
Hester and Pearl
- does not need to wear the scarlet letter but refuses
A forest walk
pearl begins realizing the truth of the scarlet letter -
The Pastor and his parishioner
Pearl and Hester speack of the black man -
A flood of sunshine
Hester tells dimmesdale the truth and decide to move to europe -
The Child at the brook side
Hester stop wearing the scarlet letter -
The minister in a maze
Pearl refuses to cross, and dimmesdale does not want to walk with the family