The Cause ANd Spark of WW1
The spark happened in Europe when Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. There were two sides, the Aliied Powersn[United States, Russia, France, Great Britian and Siberia] and the Central Powers [Germany and Austria-hungary]. Then, All of them started to train their armies.
http://umt.edu/memorialrow/WWI/default.aspx -
Trench Warfare & Treaty of Versailles
Trench warfare was a new way of fighting. It consisted of digging a hole(trench)and stationing troops in it. This decreased their chances of getting hit.
World War I offically ended with the signing of the treaty of Versailles on June 28th of 1919. Althought the fighting ended on Nov. 11th 1918 to negotiate peace terms. http://www.history.com/photos/world-war-i-trench-warfare/photo9
http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/jazz/jb_jazz_ww1_1.html -
Overthrowing Nicholas II
NIcholas ii was a Tsar. Tsars were Russian Emperors with absolute power. They overthrew him because they did not like the way of Emperors ruled, so they started the Russian Revoulution. Then, they made the commmunist partry.
http://department.monm.edu/classics/courses/clas230/mythdocuments/heropattern/NicholasII Pattern.htm -
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin became dictator after Lenin's death. He ruled unfairly and brutally. He killed or imprisioned all who opposed him or communism.
http://www.davidstuff.com/historical/stalin.htm -
Rise of Communism
(No offical date when communism was created)
Communism was a type of goverment that spread the wealth out evenly dispite their job. Unless you worked in the goverment You didn't have a lot of money to spare.
https://www.google.com/search?q=images+of+the+soviet+Union's+flag&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=Ipw&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=LqkRNH5Vchgy0M:;https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQT-97mB_FozAhzuVc241CT9FCG -
The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties was a time of great prosperity in the United States. Many people bought new items they couldn't afford before. New music such as Jazz came and was a more fast paced life.
http://www.thepacificacurrent.com/the-roaring-twenties-in-2013/ -
The Great Depression
The great Depression started on October 29th 1929 when the stock market crashed overnight and did not get better quickly. a quarter of America was un employed and many investors lost their money.
http://www.frumforum.com/stiglitz-rewrites-the-great-depression/ http://www.pbs.org/newshour/businessdesk/2011/12/when-did-the-great-depression.html -
United States during Great Depression
The Stock Market crashed in 1929 so the market value of companies went shraply down. 1/4 of people in America were jobless. Many were homeless or lived in Hoovervilles.
http://us-history.com/1920s-the-great-depression/ -
Franklin D. Roosevelt proposes his "New Deal"
During Franklin D. Roosevelt's innuguration speach he proposed his new deal. which would create more Soup kitchens, jobs, and other services to benefit the homeless and the jobless.
http://history1900s.about.com/od/photographs/tp/Pictures-Of-Roosevelt.htm -
The End of the Great Depression
The date is based off of the start of world war II which sent 12 millon americans to the millitary and millions more into jobs helping the war effort here in the USA.
http://ushistorygirl.blogspot.com/2009/12/happy-times-are-here-again-end-of.html -
WW2-Nazi Germany
The leader was Adolf Hitler. who took advantage of Geman discontent. He led the Nazi party and promised that he would make Germany great again. After that he became the dictator of Germany. -
The Holocaust(1939 to 1945)
The Nazis commited some of the most hurrendous war crimes the world has ever known. They tried to wipe out entire races and groups of people. Especially the Jews.
http://www.historywiz.com/holocaust.htm -
North Korea
The year North Korea was created.
 http://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/asia/north-korea/ -
Vietnam had split into North and South regions. North was Communist and South was non-communist. In the 1960's the United States sent troops into South Vietnam to fight North Vietnam. Thousands from each country died. In 1975, North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam and now the whole country is Communism.
http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/vietnam -
Bombing of Pearl Harbour
Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan. Pearl Harbor was a Navy base in Hawawii. They attacked them because the United States are part of the Allied Powers and Japan is part of the Axis Powers. Also because the United States were not participating much in the war before. -
The Atomic Bomb(August 6th and Aug. 9th)
The first Atomic bomb is dropped on Japan. On the city of Hiroshima. A Atomic bomb is a weopon like no other. It has the power to reduce a city to ash with just one. The second Atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9th. Japan surrended shortly after. It is estimated that 80,000 people died in total and 35,00 were injured.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/atomic-bomb-is-dropped-on-hiroshima -
The Cold War - Communism vs. Capitalism
Most of the countries were either Capitalism or Communism. The Soviet Union was the leader of the Communism and the United States were the leader of Capitalism. The war of the two different economies ended when communist rule collapsed in the Soviet Union.
http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/museum/exhibits/ColdWar/main.html -
The Korean War(1950 to July 27th of 1953)
North Korea attemts to take over South Korea. 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the war. The Korean peninsula is still divided today. America sided with South Korea while The Soviet sided with North Korea. No treaty has acctually been signed, but there was a cease fire. So technically the Korean war is still going.http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/korean-conflict/