
  • Day I was born

  • My Brother's Birthday

    I have one younger sibling named Garrett. He was born right after I turned six so we're pretty far apart in age. I was a little devastated that he wasn't a girl but I wouldn't trade him for anything...except like, a million dollars lol.
  • High School Graduation

  • My 18th B-day and college move-in

    I got to move into my dorm on my eighteenth birthday. It made for a stressful birthday but I was stoked anyway because I got to sign my own housing papers.
  • Switched my major to EC

    I was originally in IS but decided to switch to EC right before registering for my sophomore year. After getting to spend some time in classrooms and shadowing and Intervention Specialist I decided that EC seemed more like what I wanted to do.
  • EDRE2204

    Literacy is a topic that gets brought up almost constantly in Early Childhood. I'm hoping that this class will help me understand teaching literacy skills a little better. I am also hoping that I will learn some activities or develop lesson plans that can be used in my future classroom.