Beginning Stage
I get married when I get done with college and move in with my husband -
Childbearing Stage
I have my first kid in 2025 and it's a boy. My husband will name it. Then about 4 to 6 years later I have a girl and name it Renezmay Lashay -
Parenting Stage
Me and my husband teach our kids the things they need to know and make sure we raise them right and put them in school. -
Launching Stage
My boy will move out and me and my husband will still teach Renezmay the things she still needs to know. Then 4 or 6 years later Renezmay will move out. -
Mid- Years Stage
Me and my husband will get use to having no kids in the house and will get ready to be grandparents and teaching our grandkids the things that they're parents didn't teach them.