Ride sally

Sally Ride

  • D.O.B

    Sally Ride was born in 1951 in Enco,Californa.
  • Familly trip

    Familly trip
    Sally's familly took a trip to England.
  • School

    Sally won a scholarship to Westlake Highschool for girls.
  • Colloge

    Sally enters then quits Swatmore colloge after three months to play professional tennis
  • Enrollment

    Sally enrolls in Stanford University.
  • Graduation

    Sally graduated from Westlake Highschool for girls.
  • Science

    Sally completed her masters degeree in science.
  • Astronut

    Sally becomes a astronut in training.
  • Sally gets married

    Sally gets married
    Sally got married at 31 to a fellow astronut named Steve Hawley.
  • Flight, finally.

    Flight, finally.
    Sally makes her first flight in the CHALENGER. Finally.
  • Second

    Sally makes her second flight in the same shuttle.
  • Death

    Sally sadly died of cancer. It was a suprise to everyone, know one knew.