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Salem Witch Trials

By EvanN
  • The "bewitching" of the Circle Girls

    The "bewitching" of the Circle Girls
    On this day(not actual day), the Circle Girls snuck into the room of a house belonging to Reverend Parris. They went into the room to hear stories of magic and fortunes from Reverend Parris' Carribean slave, Tituba.
  • Tituba's trial

    Tituba's trial
    Tituba was sent to trial where she confessed to being a witch, and named Sarah Osborne, and Sarah Good of being witches.
  • Bridget Bishop

    found guilty of witchcraft andpersecuted.
  • Official Trial #1

    Official Trial #1
    Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne testified against being withches.In the end, they were still prosecuted.
  • Persecutions

    Rebecca Nurse
    Sarah Good
    Elizabeth Howe
    Sarah Wildes
    Susanna Martin
  • Persecutions #2

    George Burroughs
    Martha Carrier
    George Jacobs,Sr.
    John Proctor
    John Willard
  • Persecution #3

    Giles Corey-pressed to death under stones.
  • Final Persecution

    Martha Corey
    Mary Eastey
    Alice Parker
    Mary Parker
    Ann Pudeator
    Margaret Scott
    Wilmot Redd
    Samuel Wardell Sr.
  • Witch Hunt ends

    The people of Salem finally decided to give up on the witch hunt.