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Saint Ignatius of Loyola-His Life and Historical Background

  • Period: Jan 20, 1479 to Jan 23, 1516

    Ferdinand and Isabella's Reign

    Around the time of Ignatius' birth, the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella was currently going on.
  • Dec 24, 1491

    Ignatius of Loyola is Born

    Ignatius of Loyola is Born
    Ignatius of Loyola is born in the Basque region of Spain, the last of thirteen children. He was baptised at the Church of St. Sebastian.
    This link shows what the Basque Country of Spain looks like today: Basque Country-Spain
  • Period: Oct 31, 1517 to Aug 7, 1555

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation, a.k.a., Protestant Revolt, was a 16th century split within Western Christianity, and was inititated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants. The efforts of the self-described "reformers" who objected to the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches. The Reformation was precipitated by earlier events within Europe, such as the Black Death & the Western Schism.
  • Feb 1, 1521

    Ignatius of Loyola Wounded at the Battle of Pamplona

    Ignatius of Loyola Wounded at the Battle of Pamplona
    Ignatius of Loyola is struck with a cannon ball, severing his leg. This occured in a battle with the French to take Pamplona in Spain. While he lay in bed for seven weeks recuperating, Ignatius had a major conversion of experience.
  • Feb 1, 1522

    Ignatius Bades Farewell to His Family and Heads for Montserrat

    Ignatius Bades Farewell to His Family and Heads for Montserrat
    In February 1522, Iñigo bade farewell to his family and went to Montserrat, a pilgrimage site in northeastern Spain. He spent three days confessing his life sins, then hung his sword and dagger near the statue of the Virgin Mary to symbolize his break with his old life. He donned sack cloth and walked to Manresa, a town 30 miles from Barcelona, to pass the decisive months of his career (from March 1522 to mid-February 1523). He lived as a beggar, ate and drank sparingly, and scourged himself.
  • Jan 14, 1524

    Ignatius Studies at Barcelona, Alcala, Salamanca, and Paris

    Ignatius Studies at Barcelona, Alcala, Salamanca, and Paris
    Ignatius chose to defer priesthood, which would have taken a few years of study. For a more intense and lasting 12 years of education, Iñigo studied at Barcelona, then Alcala, where he acquired followers. But Iñigo soon fell under suspicion of heresy, as a non-ordained person encouraging others to reflect on their spiritual experiences. He was distrusted by the church hierarchy, was imprisoned and tried by the Spanish Inquisition, the first of many such encounters with the Inquisition.
  • Oct 16, 1537

    Ignatius and Companions Make Way to Venice

    Ignatius and Companions Make Way to Venice
    Ignatius and his companions made their way to Venice, and there, in 1537, Ignatius and most of his companions were ordained. For the next 18 months they ministered and prayed together.
  • Jul 31, 1540

    Pope Paul III Approves Society of Jesus

    Pope Paul III Approves Society of Jesus
    In 1540, the small band gained the pope's approval and was named the Society (Company) of Jesus. They determined a method of decision making, vowed to obey the pope as the voice of Christ, and elected Ignatius as superior general. Thus began 15 years of administrative life in Rome for Ignatius.
  • Sep 21, 1543

    Ignatius Found Innocent in Salamanca-Heads for Paris

    Ignatius Found Innocent in Salamanca-Heads for Paris
    After being found innocent in Salamanca, Ignatius left for Paris. During his long stay in the French capital, where he changed his name to Ignatius, he won the coveted master of arts degree, gathered more companions (among them Francis Xavier, who became one of the order's greatest missionaries). In 1534, he and his little band bound themselves by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience—though they had not yet decided to found a religious order.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1545 to Dec 4, 1563

    Council of Trent Called by Pope Paul III

    The Council of Trent, (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum) was the 16th-century Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church. It is considered to be one of the Church's most important councils. It summoned in Trent, then capital of the Prince-Bishopric of Trent, in the Holy Roman Empire, now in modern Italy, between December 13, 1545, and December 4, 1563 in twenty-five sessions for three periods.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    Death of Ignatius of Loyola

    Death of Ignatius of Loyola
    By the time of Ignatius' death, there were approximately 1,000 Jesuits. Ignatius' feast day is celebrated on July 31st. Ignatius is a foremost patron saint of soldiers, the Society of Jesus, the Basque Country, and the provinces of Guipúzcoa and Biscay.
  • Ignatius Beatified

    Ignatius Beatified
    Saint Ignatius of Loyola is beatified in 1609 by Pope Paul V.
  • Ignatius Canonized

    Ignatius Canonized
    Saint Ignatius of Loyola is canonized on March 13th by Pope Gregory XV.
  • Ignatius Declared Patron of All Spiritual Retreats

    Ignatius Declared Patron of All Spiritual Retreats
    Saint Ignatius of Loyola is declared patron of all spiritual retreats by Pope Pius XI on December 20th.