Russia map

Russia's History

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Kievan Rus Conquered

    Kievan Rus Conquered
    Mongol warriors from Central Asia conquered Keivan Rus from the Salvic people. The Slavs moved north to Moscow it was a small trade center. It was the new Slavic territory they named it Muscovy.
  • Apr 16, 1200

    Ivan III

    Ivan III
    Ivan III was a prince, and he declared independence from Mongol. He was a good leader and he earned the name Ivan the Great
  • Apr 18, 1547

    Ivan IV becomes Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan IV becomes Ivan the Terrible
    In 1547 Ivan IV declared himself czar of Russia. At that time it was known as Muscovy. He became known as Ivan the Terrible. He conquered lands to expand his territory.
  • Building a port

    Building a port
    In 1703 Peter the Great the czar was wanting to become more European. So they started to build St. Petersburg.
  • Russia Invaded but not defeated

    Russia Invaded but not defeated
    In 1812 the French Emperor Napoleon invaded Russia. They were defeated because they weren't use too Russia's cold climate.
  • Great Change in Russia

    Great Change in Russia
    There was great change in Russia in the 1800's. In 1861 Alexander II, the czar freed the serfs. He built industries and railroads. But most people still remained poor.
  • World War I (The Great War)

    World War I (The Great War)
    In 1914 Russia joined forces with France and Britian to fight Gemany and Austria. The bad thing was they were unprepared so many died.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    In 1917 the Russian Revolution started. The revolution swept Russia.
  • No more czars

     No more czars
    In 1917 the Russian people overthrew Nicholas II. He was the last czar. After that the government changed to a Communist state. In that government the government control economy and society.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    In 1991 the USSR fell or ended. USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It is also known as the Soviet Union
  • Slavs Settle

    Slavs Settle
    The Slavic people lived along the rivers in Russisa. They settled the town of Keiv and this became the civilization called Kievan Rus.
  • Missionaries

    Missionaries spread their religion and written laungage to Kieven Rus.