Aug 25, 1530
Ivan is born
Ivan is born; Kolomenskoye, Russia. -
Nov 9, 1533
Russian Absoulte Ruler (Czar)
Ivan the terribleIvan came to throne at age 3. -
Sep 5, 1546
Ivan seized full power
He seized full power and was the frist 'Czar.' -
Period: Nov 9, 1547 to Nov 9, 1560
The Good Period
Ivan during this period added land, codified laws to unite Russia, and ruled justly and fairly. -
Nov 12, 1547
Ivan's first wife
He marries Anastasia. They have two kids, Ivan Grozny and Feodor. -
Apr 21, 1554
Ivan's first son is born
Ivan Grozny is born and is to inherit the throne after Ivan. -
Period: Nov 9, 1560 to
Ivan's Bad Period
Wife dies of mysterious illness. He killed anyone to be considered a threat or traitor. -
Nov 12, 1560
Ivan's wife dies
Anastasia, Ivan's wife, dies of a mysterious illness. This starts his 'bad period.' -
Nov 12, 1562
Secret police
Ivan hires secret police (Oprichnina) who killed anyone who he consirded a traitor or a threat. -
Nov 19, 1581
Ivan kills son
Ivan killed his oldest son after a fight about his wife. Leaves throne to youngest son who wasn't capable of ruling. -
Ivan dies
Ivan dies and leaveas throne to his son, Feodor. -
Next Russian Czar
Michael Romanov is selected as the next Czar.