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Russian History

  • Aug 3, 800

    Scandinavian Warriors

    Scandinavian Warriors
    Slavs come and settle near the Volga and Dnieper Rivers.
  • Jan 1, 1200


    Mongols come and invade Kiev. They rule the area for the next 200 years
  • Jan 1, 1470

    Ivan III "The Great"

    Ivan III "The Great"
    He helped get rid of the Mongols. He also helped expand territory.
  • Jan 2, 1530

    Ivan VI "The Terrible"

    Ivan VI "The Terrible"
    He was Russia's first Czar. He was a mean leader. He was believed to beat his own son to death and had his people to a sword. He also had a very hard childhood which could explain it.
  • Serfs

    Serfs were enslaved. They worked for the Russian's.
  • Peter I "The Great"

    Peter I "The Great"
    He helped modernize Russia. Economically he help start trade with Europe. He enlarged territory, built a larger military, and built a new capital (St. Petersburg).
  • Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II
    He helped free the Serfs. He was assassinated later on.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin
    Changed The Soviet Union into communist..
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Governed Russia with an ‘Iron Fist’, and killed people who didn't agree with him.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    It was 4 decades long. They didn't attack each other there was just a lot tension between the NATOs and Soviet Union.