Russia on globe

Russian History

By nmercer
  • Apr 8, 1200

    Mongols Invade

    Mongols Invade
    The Mongols invade Russia from 1200-1400
  • Aug 13, 1547

    Czar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)

    Czar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)
    Czar Ivan IV came to power in 1547. Some things he did while in power are commissioning St. Basil's Cathedral, expanding the Russian empire, and strengthened the power of the thrown. He got the nickname Ivan the Terrible because anyone who opposed him got murdered.
  • Jul 3, 1555

    St. Basil's Cathedral

    St. Basil's Cathedral
    In 1555, Czar Ivan IV commissioned St. Basil's Cathedral.
  • Serfdom becomes legal

    Serfdom becomes legal
    In 1649, Michael Romanov makes serfdom legal.
  • Czar Peter the Great

    Czar Peter the Great
    Peter the Great came to power in 1689. Some things he did were touring Europe and bringing back some modernization, giving freedoms to the lower class, and moving the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Frace Invades Russia

    Frace Invades Russia
    In 1812, Napoleon invades Russia with 600,000 men and leave with less than 10,000 men.
  • Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II
    Czar Alexander II came to power in 1861. Some things he did were emancipating the serfs, built railroads, modernized banking systems, established a Jury system, and gave freedom of the press.
  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II came to power in 1869. Some things that he did while czar was created a constitutional monarchy by establishing the Duma, had a son named Alexi who had hemophilia, and met Gregory Rasputin, a mystical faith healer.
  • USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union)

    USSR (Union of  Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union)
    In 1922 the USSR was established because there were no more people in the Romanov family to take the thrown. The USSR was led by Lenin for two years before he died of a stroke.
  • Joseph Stalin is sole dictator or USSR

    Joseph Stalin is sole dictator or USSR
    After Lenin died, Stalin was the new leader of the USSR. He maintained power in three ways; by the communist party, the KGB (a national secret police force), and the Soviet Army. He modernized agriculture, had impossible quotas, had industrial growth, collected farms, and attached different ethnic groups.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    In 1945, the US and the USSR had a cold war. They had a forty year standoff. They were both nuclear superpowers, and both were afraid to use them because if they did it would be world destruction.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev was elected president of Russia

    Mikhail Gorbachev was elected president of Russia
    Mikhail Gorbachev is elected president of Russia in 1985
  • Failed attempt to overthrow the government, Gorbachev resigned

    Failed attempt to overthrow the government, Gorbachev resigned
    In 1991, there was a failed attempt to overthrow the government. Also in that year, Gorbachev resigned as president.
  • Soviet Union breaks up

    Soviet Union breaks up
    The soviet Union broke up in 1991.
  • Vladimer Putin is elected president

    Vladimer Putin is elected president
    Vladimer Putin is elected president in 2000. He served as president from 2000- 5-7-08.
  • Medvedev is inaugurated

    Medvedev is inaugurated
    The new president Medvedev is inaugurated on May 7, 2008.
  • Vladimer Putin elected as president (again)

    Vladimer Putin elected as president (again)
    Vladimer Putin is elected president again in 2012.
  • Vikings Settle in Russia

    Vikings Settle in Russia
    In 860 the VIkings from Sweden crossed the Baltic Sea and settled west of the Ural Mountains
  • Period: to

    Russian History