Nov 25, 1016
Yaroslav the Wise comes to power in Russia and begins marrying off sisters and daughters for alliances
Nov 25, 1050
Slavs and Vikings estbalish Novgorod
Nov 25, 1055
Seljuks capture Baghdad from Persians
Nov 25, 1071
The Seljuks march on the Byzantine Empire
The Seljuk sultans marched on the Byzantine Empire. At the Battle of Manzikert, Turkish forces crushed the Byzantine defender. -
Nov 25, 1092
Death of Malik Shah
Unexpected death of Malik Shah. This caused the Seljuk Empire to quickly disintegrate into a loose collection of minor kingdoms because no capable shah appeared to replace him. -
Nov 25, 1095
Beginning of the First Crusade
Nov 25, 1099
First Crusade captures Jerusalem
Nov 25, 1156
Moscow emerges as a "crude village"
Nov 25, 1187
Muslims recover Jerusalem after Fisrt Crusade
Nov 25, 1227
Death of Genghis Khan
Nov 25, 1240
City of Kiev established on the Dnieper River
Dec 6, 1240
Mongols capture Kiev
Nov 25, 1448
Vladmir and all his subjects are baptised, establishing Orthodox Christianity as religion of Russia
Nov 25, 1480
Russians and Mongols retreat after "bloodless" standoff marking end of Mongol rule in Russia
The Persian armies put an end to the power of the Islam caliph
Persian armies moved into Baghdad and put an end to the power of the caliph. The caliph continued as the religious leader of Islam, but gave up all his political power to the new Perisan ruler.