
Russian Absolutism

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Terrible was born in Moscow, Russia
  • Nov 12, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Terrible became czar and age 3
  • Nov 13, 1547

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Ivan the Terrible resigned from the position of czar when he was 17
  • Ivan the Terrible's Death

    Ivan the Terrible's Death
    Ivan Vasilyevich or Ivan the Terrible died and was later buried in the alter part of Archangel's Cathedral.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great was born in Moscow, Russia His real name is Pyotr Alekseyevich
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great became czar at age 10
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great was too young to rule Russia so a regent waws sent to rule until he was old enough
  • Peter the Great's Death

    Peter the Great's Death
    Peter the Great died at age 52 and was later buried in Peter and Pauls Cathedral. he was known for being very tall and strong
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great resigned from his position of czar