Russia's Entry to WWI

By afagan
  • End of the Franco-Prussian War

    France lost Alsace-Lorraine and had to pay reparations to Prussia - motivated for revenge/protection
  • German Empire established by Wilhelm I

    A unified Germany is made official at Versailles
  • Dual Alliance signed

    Austria-Hungary and Germany
    Otto von Bismarck viewed the treaty as way to prevent German isolation
  • Triple Alliance formed

    Italy joins A-H and Germany
    Russia and France become concerned due to geographical threat
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II comes to power in Germany

    He wanted to find Germany a "a place in the sun" through aggression if necessary
  • Franco-Russian Alliance signed

    Signed in response to Kaiser Wilhelm's apparent desire to align with Austria
    Russia wanted to avoid isolation against a unified Germany and Austria-Hungary
    France and Russia agreed to give military support to each other should Germany invade one of them
  • First German Naval Laws are signed

    Germany officially states their intentions to compete with Britain in naval development
    They sign several more laws to this effect through 1912
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance

    Intended to protect Japanese and English interests in Korea and China - directed against Russian expansion
  • Russo-Japanese War

    France discouraged from joining the war on Russia's side due to Japan's ties with Britain
  • Entente Cordiale

    Britain and France come to agreement of colonial concerns in Africa
    Join together against German threat
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    Kaiser Wilhelm II declares his support for Moroccan independence from France
  • Algeciras Conference

    Intended to end the First Moroccan Crisis
    France gets a controlling interest in Morocco but must consult other European powers before expanding
  • Anglo-Russian Entente

    Settled colonial disputes between Russia and Britain
    Germany begins to feel geographically threatened
  • Triple Entente formed

    Britain, France, Russia
  • Annexation of Bosnia by A-H

    Stressed A-H relations with Serbia and therefore Russia - further collapse of the Ottoman empire caused anxiety
  • Second Moroccan Crisis

    Agedir Incident - Germany responds aggressively to France's attempt to expand influence in Morocco
    Algeciras Conference agreed France needed to consult Germany beforehand
  • First Balkan War

    The Balkan league successfully went to war with the Ottomans over territorial interests
    The Ottoman Empire lost most of its remaining European territories
  • Second Balkan War

    The victors of the First Balkan War went to war with each other over the division of Macedonia
    Austria backed Bulgarian interests, angering Serbia
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

  • Germany give A-H 'blank check'

    Germany pledges unconditional support to A-H in its conflict with Serbia
  • A-H ultimatum to Serbia

    Put the burden on avoiding war on Serbia - Serbia accepted some of the demands but not all 10
  • A-H declare war on Serbia

    Russia reacts to protect the Slavs of Serbia, something they see as their duty
  • Russia begins mobilization

    Russia assures Germany it is not against them
    Reaction to A-H aggression against Serbia
  • Germany declares war on Russia

  • Germany invades Belgium

    Belgium refuses to let German troops pass so they enter by force
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany claims it was the French airforce which had bombed Nuremburg
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany