Russia - Age of Absolutism

  • 1598

    Ivan the Terrible's dynasty came to an end in 1598. The following period of anarchy was known as the Time of Troubles.
  • 1613

    The period of anarchy, TIme of Troubles, ended in 1613 when the Zemsky Sobor chose Michael Romanov as the new czar.
  • 1689

    In 1689 Peter the Great became czar. Like other Romanov
    czars who came before him, Peter was an absolutist monarch who claimed the divine right to rule.
  • 1703

    After a long war with Sweden. Peter acquired the lands he
    sought for. On a marshland on the Baltic in 1703, Peter began the construction of St. Petersburg, a new city.
  • 1725

    When Ivan the Terrible died in 1725 Russia became an important European state.
  • 1917

    The Romanov dynasty lasted until 1917.