
Russia 1500's-1900's

  • Jan 1, 1533

    First Russian Czar

    First Russian Czar
    Ivan IV or Ivan the terrible was the first Czar of russia by him giving himself the title a Czar
  • Jan 1, 1547

    begining of The Good period

    begining of The Good period
    This period give russia land, codified laws to unite russia, and russia was ruled justly and fairly by Ivan IV.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1547 to Jan 1, 1560

    Good period

    Ivan IV takes power and improves russia
  • Jan 1, 1560

    begining of the bad period and end of the good

    begining of the bad period and end of the good
    Ivan's wife dies of a mysterious illness, Ivan blamed boyars and began to kill them, ivan hired a secret police called the oprichnina that killed anyone ivan considered a traitor or a threat.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1560 to

    bad period

    Ivan IV takes a turn for the worst becoming paranoid and self contious.
  • Nov 12, 1581

    Death of Ivans older son

    Death of Ivans older son
    Ivan the terrible killed his oldest son over an argument about his wife by striking him with his septer.
  • The next Czar

    The next Czar
    Michael Romanov is selected as teh next Czar of russia and began a dynasty in russia that will last the next 300 years.
  • Michael Romanov's dynasty begins

    Michael Romanov's 300 year dynasty begins
  • Ivan's death

    Ivan the terrible dies then later his son dies so he is left without an heir.
  • Peter The Great is born

  • Peter the great

    <a href='' >Peter the Great, reigned 1682-1725
    Peter the great ruled russia at age 24 (total control) and also tried to westernize russia.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Time of Peter the great and westernization of russia.
  • Michael Romanov's dynasty ends

    The dynasty started in 1613 by Michael Romanov ends