

  • Period: Apr 18, 700 to

    Russian History

  • Apr 17, 1200

    Mongol warriors

    Mongol warriors
    In the 1200s Mongol warriors from Russia took over Kievan Rus. Kiev lost a lot of its power when they were under Mongol rule.
  • Apr 17, 1480

    Ivan III

    Ivan III
    After the Mongol warriors conquered Kievan Rus The Slavic people settled new territory called Muscovy. The leader was Ivan III. He was suck a strong leader that he was called Ivan the Great
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    St. Petersburg was built in 1703. It became the capital of Russia. It was on the Baltic coast. the Russian Empire was expanded to the Pacific Ocean.
  • French Army

    French Army
    In 1812 Napoleon Bonaparte and his French army invaded Russia. The French had to walk hundreds of miles to get to Moscow. On the way whenever they passed a village they would burn it down.
  • Revolution

    The people in 1917 wanted change and they demeanded for the czar to step down from the throne. Vladimir Lenin led a revolt and he wanted a communist government. Lenin moved the capital to Moscow because he was scared of invasion.
  • Stalin

    Stalin became leader of russia and did'nt let Soviet people practice their religion. He had secret police killed anyone who disagreed with that law.
  • Germany and the Soviet Union

    Germany and the Soviet Union
    In World War II Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The people from the Soviet Union joined Great Britain and the United States. They helped them defeat the Germans.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    In 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev became a Soviet leader. he wanted to reform the Soviet Union. The policy of glasnost that he sent out said people could speak their thoughts without fear.
  • Communists

    In 1991 communists tried to overthrow the government with military force. Boris Yeltsin told the people to stand strong and eventually the communists were forced to give up.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    In 1991 Yeltsin had sucsess in building a democracy. The Soviet Union no longer exsisted.
  • Slavs built a Civilization

    Slavs built a Civilization
    The Slavs, or early Russians, had a settlment along the border of Ukraine and Russia. They built a civilization around Kiev.
  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity

    Eastern Orthodox Christianity
    The citizens of Kievan Rus converted to Eastern Orthodox. This was because missionaries spread their religion to Kievan Rus