
By jc#16
  • Nov 12, 1533

    First Russian Czar

    First Russian Czar
    Ivan became Russia's first Czar
  • Nov 12, 1560

    Bad Period (1560-1584

    Ivan's wife dies, has a secret police(Oprichnina) kill traitors and threats of Russia
  • Nov 12, 1581

    Ivan's heir

    Kills his son out of rage, youngest son is next heir but is incapable of leading a country.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Becomes Czar at 17. Sent his sister to convent and sent her friends to Siberia or beheaded them.
  • Michael Romanov

    Started the Romanov dynasty that lasted 300 years.
  • Peter travels Europe

    He travels Europe for one year learning about other European culture.
  • Peter returns to Russia

    Makes Russia more modern.
  • Russia undergoes changes

    Russia undergoes changes
    Men shave their beards,women wear prettier clothing,have parties, and started colleges and schools. Also a navy was built, men were sent to visit other countries, trading ships in new ports.
  • $ for Peter's projects

    $ for Peter's projects
    Taxes were raised to pay for his projects.
  • Peter's death

    Peter's death
    Dies of a cold trying to save some drowning soldiers.