2. Morning Meeting: Greeting "around the clock circle" and introduction to classroom rules with student involment and ideas.
For the first morning meeting it`s important to explain the procedures regarding getting to circle, remain seated and listen when others are speaking.
Overview of classroom rules with students input, it's important to already have an idea of what your rules are however invite the students to also share some rules that they may think are important. You will be able to fit these into you're "broader rules". Do not go into full details since there will be a review each day of the week. -
1. Arrival: Greet students at door, decorate name tag.
Be prepared. Ensure that you have everything you need (markers, stickers, cardboard nametags)
Greet each students individually.
Remember to smile and be welcoming.
Direct them to a seat in the classroom, if you have a teacher's aid make sure he or she greets students as well in the classroom. -
3. Develop and practice signal for attention.
This is the first procedure I like to start teaching the students as it will help me get the attention of the group when needed. The use of a signal for me is so important and I Iike to present a few variations and have students pick the one that the majority want to use.
I want to teach my students how to stop, get quiet and look at me when the signal is given. Establishing this procedure early in the day will ensure that the rest of the day and year goes smoothly. -
4. Tour the school.
This activity needs to be very structured and presented to the students prior to the tour. It's important to remind students to remain in one line, voices low and to follow teacher's direction. This is also a time to stop and remind students of the rules your have discussed in the morning meeting. Places that are important to tour to make students feel at home:
-office (and how to greet the secretary)
-principle office
-the school yard (safety)
-water fountains -
Period: to
September 4th 2018
1. Arrival: Greet students at the door
It is Important on day two to have looked over the name tags and how they have decorated them. This might give you an indication of what interests your students might have. -
2. Morning meeting
Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning"
Sharing: Favorite Food
Group activity: Getting to know you "Spider Web" -
3. Establish arrival routines and practice signals for quiet attention.
Review and re-model what students need to do when they enter the classroom.
-Where to put lunchbox
-Hang jacket on hook and change shoes
-Hand in agenda
-Go to your seat
-Choose a book or table activity to do until morning meeting begins -
4.Interactive Modeling: lining up, walking in halls, bathroom procedures.
Practice, model and re-model these procedures. Make them interesting and ensure that you discuss and answer any questions the students may have. This is also a time to get the students moving. -
5. Review of first rule: Follow the teachers directions
Brain storming session with students. It is important with rules to get my students involved in the development of consequences. Be sure to ask questions and to write the answers on the whiteboard.
Why do we need to follow the teachers directions?
What are some of the consequences you can think of if we don't follow teachers directions?
Make sure that you post the rules clearly so that all students can see.
Role play different scenarios involving this rule. -
1. Arrival routine: Greet student at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures.
If you happen to be more then on adult in the classroom ensure that both are involved in the arrival procedures and that they are well practiced. Time must be given to teach and repeat until students have acquired the skills. -
2. Morning meeting
Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning" (practice remembering names)
Sharing: Favorite game
Group activity: Sing "Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly"
Review of procedures and agenda for the day. -
3. Establish procedures regarding transitioning back to seats and moving around the classroom.
This is an important procedure and is linked to the "Following the teachers direction rules" and "Respect your teachers and your classmates in your words and actions."
Model the behavior then ask some student to show you what they have learnt. Have them move from their seat to another seat and provide feedback. -
5. Interactive modeling regarding rules
Review the rules and consequences already established with the students and also begin a brainstorming activity for the 2nd rule. "Listen when someone is talking". This rule is directly linked our Morning Meetings as well as numerous other activities that take place during the day.
Interactive modeling:
1. Say what you will model and why.
2. Model the behavior.
3. Ask students what they noticed. -
1. Arrival routine: Greet student at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures.
Model and re-model as needed until students know what they need to do and what you expect of them. -
2. Morning meeting
Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning"
Sharing: Favorite book/story
Group activity: "Find your match"
Reminder of classroom rules -
3. Remind/re-model: transition back to seats and teacher attention
4. Interactive modeling regarding rules.
Review of 1st, 2nd rules and consequences and brainstorming session of 3rd rule.
1st rule: Follow the teachers direction
2nd rule: Listen when someone is talking
3rd rule: Respect your teachers and your classmates in your words and your actions
Interactive modeling:
1. Say what you will model and why.
2. Model the behavior.
3. Ask students what they noticed. -
1. Arrival routine: Greet students at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures.
Model and re-model procedures that need more practice. -
2. Morning meeting
Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning"
Sharing: Favorite toy/activity
Group activity: Group charades
Review of rules -
3. Establishing/review/model pre taught procedures and add getting/putting away materials.
It is important to review all procedures that we have learnt during the week before adding a new procedure. Also practice these procedures in real time as well. An example, when students are done with scissors during an activity what do they need to do. -
4.Interactive modeling
Review of all rules.
Model and role play different scenarios regarding rules.
Interactive modeling:
1. Say what you will model and why.
2. Model the behavior.
3. Ask students what they noticed. -
5. Introduce your chosen reinforcement procedures for good behavior (involve students).
My plan is simple: I choose one behavior that I want to increase. I like to start with getting teachers attention. My coupons are ready and whenever I notice students using the procedures I hand them a coupon. They can accumulate their coupons to "buy" activites like extra play time, lunch with the teacher, pick your seat for the day etc. There is also a classwide bonus. Once I have given a total 100 coupons we choose a class activity. (I keep a tally sheet on the classroom wall)