royal power and conflict

  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg signed

    Peace of Augsburg signed
    Charles V as king at the time had an agreement signed allowing each German ruler to decide whether the state would be Lutheran or Catholic. This soon led to an end of Christian unity.
  • 1556

    Philip II takes the throne

    Philip II takes the throne
    Philip, the most catholic king took devine right and ruled over the worlds largest empire at the time. Spain was in its golden century in his reign being famous for the religious paintings and portraits of the spanish nobles
  • 1558

    Elizabeth Tudor ascends the throne of England

    Elizabeth Tudor ascends the throne of England
    The religious problems she inherited from her half-sister, Mary Tudor, She balanced the power of Spain and France by repealing laws favoring Catholics and had England support weaker nations.
  • 1562

    French Wars of Religion begins

    War of the French Catholics against the Huguenots fighting for religion for over 30 years until the Edict of Nantes was issued.
  • Spain attacks England

    Spain attacks England
    Philip II in rule of Spain and Elizabeth I in rule of England at the time. Philips mindset was to overthrow England and put a catholic back on the throne. Spain though being very populous was bank rupt and didnt sustain the needs for victory so England had a victory.
  • Edict of Nantes

    A compromise signed by Henry IV of France declaring religious tolerance to the Huguenots.
  • Thirty Years War begins

    War between the Catholics and Calvinists in all European powers besides England. It started because Calvinism was not included in the Peace of Augsburg. Ended with the execution of King Charles.
  • Petition of right

    Petition of right
    complaints sent to King Charles from Parliament
  • Start of the English Civil War

    War between Royalists and Parliamentarians. Started because of Englands government. Ended with a Parliament victory and the execution of the king.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Enheriting the throne he claimed divine right of kings and was the best example of royal absolutism. He called himself the "sun king".
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    A puritan who wanted everyone to live the puritan way of life. He served as a general on the Parliament side in the English civil war. He led the beheading of the king.
  • The Restoration

    Charles II takes the throne
  • The Test Act

    A religious test for public office for the creation of better laws.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    Ruler of Russia after sharing the throne with Sophia wanted to build a strong army. He fought many wars with Sweden and soon took over the Baltic Sea and built his capital city St. Petersburg.
  • Building of Versailles

    Building of Versailles
    King Louis XIV 2.5 billion dollar palace taking approximately 40 years to build.
  • James II takes throne

    James II takes throne
    Brother of Charles II has major conflicts with parliament and a new king and queen is heired. this then led to him fleeing to France.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Mary and William after many documents signed take the throne from James II after his flee to France.
  • English Bill of Rights

    James II on the throne of England at the time. document that restated the laws of the Magna Carta
  • Toleration Act

    Limited religious freedom to Catholics and only members of the church could work in the government.
  • St.Petersburg

    Capital city built in Russia by Peter the Great. Gave great access to the Baltic Sea