Period: to
routine screening
Breast Cancer.
At age 20, being a women I will need to get clinical breast exams every 3 years that will detect any breast cancer until I am 30 Years of age. -
Cervical Cancer
You will need to have pap smears for three years until 30. -
Cervical cancer/HPV
during this age I will need to recieve pap smears every 5 years and an HPV test as well. But after 65 years of age I will no longer need to be tested for either. -
Endometrial Cancer
At Menopause. You will need to be tested for this cancer as well. -
At age 40 after recieving a mammogram every three years I all begin getting them every year. Including an MRI as well -
Screening for colorectal cancer.
At age 50 I will have to choose between many different screenings such as:
Tests that find polyps and cancer
Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years*, or
Colonoscopy every 10 years, or
Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years*, or
CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years*
Tests that primarily find cancer
Yearly fecal occult blood test (gFOBT),, or
Yearly fecal immunochemical test (FIT) every year,, or
Stool DNA test (sDNA)*