Routine Screenigs

  • Skin Cancer (Self Examination)

    I should start doing self examinations for skin cancer regularly. That way if anything suspicious is occurring I will know immediately and go to the doctor. I'd do this by examining all of my skin for anything out of the ordinary.
  • Cervical Cancer Screening ( Pap smear)

    I should start getting Pap smears at age 21 and every 3 years after that. The Pap smear is preformed by the doctor using a tool to open up the vagina and examine it and the cervix. They will then collect cells and send them to the lab.
  • Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram)

    I should probably start getting mammograms done yearly around the age of 40 or earlier because a member of my family has had breast cancer. A mammogram is an x-ray taken by placing the breast between two plates and pushing them flat.
  • Colon Cancer (Colonoscopy)

    I should get screened for colon cancer at the age of 45 and every 10 years after that. The doctor uses a flexible tube to check for anything abnormal in the colon or rectum.