Anti-Semitism Black Death
During the time of the Black Plague was a difficult time for everyone. In 1340 that's when it all started and Jews had it the hardest at that time. Jews migrated to different places most of times because many people wouldn't let them in their village. Christians blamed Jews for the start of the Black Plague. This made it even harder for them to find homes and work. Jews were tortured and killed by Christians and also confessed to poisoning the wells. Many Jews died from the Plague and Christians -
Anti-Semitism Cum Nimis Absurdum
Cum Nimis Absurdum and his speech affected many Jews and their lives. He blamed Jews for killing Jesus but that didn't affect them at all. He segregated Jews from the rest of the people and created the Roman Ghetto. The Roman Ghetto was like a jail for the Jews. At night the gates were locked and couldn't do a whole much. -
The Crusades
When the Crusades were around Christians attempted to take back Jerusalem from Muslims by a man named Pope Urban II. During the time when the Christians moved across to get to Europe they attack the Jews! The reason why the Christians attacked the Jews was because they saw them as non-believers just like the Muslims. When the Christians arrived in Jerusalem, all of the Jews were protecting their homes with their Muslium neighbors. Then in 1291 the last cruasders were kicked out of Jerusalem. -
Johann de Wettre Executed in Ghent, Belgium
In 1292 Johann de Wettre was known for making small knives and was punished to die in Ghent for sodomy. Johann de Wettre was constantly burned at the pillory because of homosexuality in Christian Europe. Back then they said even if he was a habitual or a one-time offender they still prosecuted and decteted him. Johann de Wettre ended up being burned alive for enchanting in an act that "detested by god". He wasn't the first to be executed for sodomy but the earliest they have on records. -
Buggery Act
The Buggery Act was an act passed by King Henry VIII in England as they were the first nation to make sodomy and bestiality a capital offense for the death penalty. The abdominal crime of Buggery was committed either by mankind or with any animal. The Criminal Law Act 1993 abolished the offence of buggery between people. In Engalnd they kept the Buggery Act until 1967 but amnended it in 1861 to substitute life imprisonment for death penalties and for forfeiture property. -
Hebraeorum Gens
Pope Pius V was the most anti- Semitic popes that issued the Jewish race that expelled most Jews from France and Italy. They thought that their godlessness was a salvation for their own people and felt like it was a disease and that they used witchcraft in their ''Synagogue of Satan". The Jews had to end up living in slums of Verona and Rome because they were being kicked out in to exile.