Period: Feb 16, 1098 to Feb 16, 1291
The Crusades
Starting in 1098, the Crusades were a series of travels by European Christians, with the intent to protect/conquer Jerusalem from the Muslims. The Pope Urban ll sent many men to fight in Jerusalem and protect the "Holy Land" and Christian pilgrims. The Jews who lived in Israel were effected because the Crusades were taking place around their homes. They fought to protect everything, but were forced to surrender. Christians also blamed Jews for the death of Jesus so they were killed for that too. -
Feb 16, 1348
The Black Death (Bubonic Plague)
The Black Plague reached Europe in 1348. It was an almost inescapable disease that left about 1/3 of Europe dead. There were many theories as to how it was started, but Jews took the blame. Less Jews were killed from the plague than Christians, maybe because it was part of the Jewish law to wash you hands multiple times a day. But Christians thought the Jews had started the plague by poisoning wells, as a plot to whip them out. Jews were tortured and killed for confessions as a result. -
Feb 19, 1530
Egyptians Act
In 1530 a law in England was passed that banished all Roma people (Gypsies) from the country. The law was passed under King Henry Vlll, it kept any new Roma from entering the country. It gave Roma residents 16 days to leave. Roma was another name used to identify Gypsies. Gypsy was a name given to the people because the English thought they were Egyptians. They were kicked out because stereotypes made the English believe they were stealing people's belongings/tricking them out of their money. -
Feb 17, 1533
The Buggery Act
In 1533 the Buggery act was passed, a law stating sodomy was a capital offense and those who practiced it could receive the death penalty. The law was passed under King Henry Vlll. It was scene as a despicable act against God at the time. "Buggery" was a capital offense until 1861. -
Jul 14, 1555
Speech by the Pope: Cum Nimis Absurdum
The speech by Pope Paul lV blamed the Jews, again, for the death of Jesus, and placed religious and economic restrictions on all Jewish people. The "edict" segregated Jews from others, therefore creating the Roman Ghetto. The Roman Ghetto was a rough, closed off part of Rome Italy, that kept Jews away from others. The
edict forced Jews to where a yellow hat so they could be recognized. Jews were also banned from selling food which, as intended, made it very hard to find any work at all. -
Execution of James Pratt and John Smith
The execution of James Pratt and John Smith was the last execution in England for sodomy. The men were charged with having sex with each other and received the death penalty like most others who were accused of sodomy at the time. The men were both hanged for their "crime" but it was the last time in England that any individual was legally killed for homosexual sex. Even though the hanging was the end of sodomy executions in England, it was definitely and unfortunately not the end of homophobia.