Romeo and Juliet act 5

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    Romeo Dreams about Juliet

    Romeo had a dream about Juliet finding him dead and she kissed him.
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    Romeo plans to kill himself

    He went and bought poison to kill himself.
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    Juliet in her tomb

    Paris went to pay his respects at her tomb and told them to keep a lookout for anyone coming.
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    Paris dies

    Romeo killed Paris and put him in the tomb with Juliet as his dying wish.
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    Romeo sees Juliet

    Romeo sees Juliet dead and realizes how beautiful she still is.
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    Romeo dies

    He kissed Juliet and drinks the potion and then dies.
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    Juliet wakes up

    She wakes up and asked where her husband is.
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    Juliet dies

    She tried to kiss him on the lips to get some poison, then she got the dagger and stabs herself then dies.
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    Friar Lawrence tells the truth

    He told everyone what he did and how bad it was and that he should be punished with the death penalty.
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    The feud ends

    The Capulets and Montegue decide to put their feud behind them