Romeo and juliet

  • 1800 BCE

    romeo is depressed

    he got sad because the girl he liked didnt feel the same and eventually he moved on
  • she has a fight with her family about marrying paris

    she is married to romeo in secret and refuses to marry paris but they finds a plan. frair lawrance makes a fake poison to make it look like she died so she can run away in secret and be with romeo
  • Capulet party

    The capulets had a party for Juliet to meet Paris, the guy who wants to marry Juliet. but romeo and benvolio crashed the party and hung around trying to meet the girl he loved.
  • fight in the town square

    Montague and capulet people had a fight in the town and the prince separated it and said if you do it again you will be banished.
  • romeo meets juliet

    Romeo thinks wow she is the prettiest girl I've ever seen and they talk and kinda fall in love at first sight. then they kiss.
  • Romeo meets up with juliet at her balcony.

    he meets up with her in the evening and they talk about how in love they are then they kiss and make a plan to marry the next morning
  • julet sneaks off to a church

    she sneaks off and meets Romeo and frair Lawrance and are wed in the church.
  • frair sent a letter to romeo about the plan

    Frair tried to send the letter out but everyone said no because of the black plague. but then balkazar agrees and goes to romeo and basically missunderstood everything and romeo though juleit really died so he went to the tomb and killed himself there.
  • juliet wakes up

    juliet woke up and saw him dead and was like welp im gonna kill myself. so they both died out of love.
  • the prince is called

    everyone saw them die and so after those two families lost their kids out of hate, they decided to be friends.