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  • Period: to


    The Romantic Age was a literary movement which developed in western Europe in the mid of the 18th century.It represented the birth of a new set of ideas, a mindset, a way of feeling. It originated as a reaction to bthe modern world characterized oby industralization, urbanisation and consumerism.
  • Sturm and Drang in Germany

    Sturm and Drang in Germany
    Romanticism was anticipated in Germany by the Sturm and Drang ( that is Sorm and Stress) movement...
  • The Lyrical ballads in England

    The Lyrical ballads in England
    In England the Lyrical Ballads by W Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge were published in 1798. The second edition of 1800 contained a Preface by Wordsworth which is usually regarded as the manifestoof Engish Romantic poetry
  • De Stael in France De Stael in France
    In France De l'Allemagne by De Stael spread the romantic principles..
  • In Italy Giovanni Berchet

    In Italy Giovanni Berchet
    " Lettera Semiseria "by Giovanni Berchet marked the official beginning of the Romantic movement in Italy