My baby kitchen!
The first memory I have was when I was younger than two years old. That memory was of my kitchen, but the only thing i remember was a single image of my kitchen. It was dark and i was in my crib and i woke up and stared at the wall. -
Family reunion
When I was little.. well when is was two, we went to a family reunion, except i was a little fussy and i kept on saying "I WANT MILK!!!!!!!". (Yes i know haha!) I would scream, and scream. Now there is a photo of me screaming in the family album. -
My first drawing!
When I was really little maybe 3, and I was playing a game with my cousin. She didn't know what a saber-tooth tiger was so I drew a picture of it even tho I was made of sticks it still got the point across. That one drawing started an obsession. -
My mom was my preschool teacher. just ask Hunter McCoy he was in the same class as me. In that class we did a lot with our hands and we played with shaving cream a lot. -
My first day at school!
It was the first day of school and i was so scared (mainly of the principal) and me, and all the other kids were balling our eyes out. I had went to head start before by my mom was my teacher. so, i had never went to school without her. I was horrified, but it wasnt a bad day though. -
Parents separated
When I was 6 years old my parents separated. I remember I was so confused I didn't understand until I was 9 what exactly had happened. my mom told me he had to go to his parents house for a while which he did except it wasn't for a while it was forever. I remember wishing he has moved to Florida like he said he was going to. -
My dad took me
when I turned seven the next year I learned the worst of news. that my dad had gained custody. my dad was a psycho obsessive freak bent on controlling me and still is in fact on Wednesday I have to go to court to testify against him but that's a story for another time. Sorry but from here forth the computer refuses to allow me to make any photos available -
My mom finally got me back
my fifth grade year my mom finally regained custody of me and from that point forth my dad only got worse. he became less controlling and more towards the abusive side and started throwing thing at me like bottles and cans at one point he was hitting me with a 2 leater bottle saying that he can't get n trouble because it wont leave a mark. -
My first year at middle school
my math teacher didn't like me very much she gave me a bad grade simply because of that. not only that but she was a little of a favorites. I remember that me and this one kid ( I will call them bob) well me and bob had the same answer on a test but i got it wrong and he got it right except this was not the only question this happened on or the only test. -
High school
my first year of high school i quickly learned that it was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than middle school. MY first year I got an award for having all A's and my mom was so proud that all the stress from middle school went away. and for the first time in a long time i felt good about my grades