Road to the Constitution

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    nobles in England rebelled against England and its monarchy government. Which lead to them creating the Magna Carta.
    Magna Carta is a document stating everyone is liable to the law, establishes everyone has individual rights, and the chance to a fair trial, whether it be peasants or the king.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Set of rules for
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

  • English Bill of Rights

  • French and Indian War

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • First Continental Congress

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    During the Revolutionary War, a five-man committee started to create a draft of the 13 colonies intentions. The congress then adopted The Declaration of Independence, and it was published July 4th, 1776, as the first official document asserting the 13 colonies' freedom from British control. The statement was signed by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Rodger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston.
  • Articles of Confederations

  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    Created by James Madison for the newly-founded United States. The plan stated every state would be represented by a number of legislators, but the smaller population states worried about not getting properly represented. Which lead to the creation of the three branches of government - executive, legislative, and judicial. Which created the system of checks and balances.
    Checks and Balances: ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Three-fifths compromise

    Three-fifths compromise
    When white people started to count colored people as 3/5 of a person instead of like a complete cow. The south wanted to count black people as people, despite them being 100% for slavery because it would make their populations look bigger = more representatives.
    The north didn't want to include black people in a voting count like the south because they wanted them to have less representatives
  • The Acts (Intolerable, Sugar, Stamp, etc.)