Mexico flag

road to texas revloution

  • Constitution of 1824

    Constitution of 1824
    the mexican government constructed a constitution that resembled the U.S constitution. The catholic church influenced the document by making the official religion roman catholic. The anglos were angered because they were not represented in the new goverment. The document was never put to a vote so it was not enforced
  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Fredonian Rebellion
    The dispute over the Edward brother being arrested by Mexican government. He was an empresario that was settling 800 families. When could not prove ownership, because of that,he made them pay him. The mexican government did not approve this practice so, they arrested him. The Fredonian rebellion was formed to rebel free the edwards brothers. They failed after the military fought back and destroyed the rebellion.
  • Mier Y Teran report

    Mier Y Teran report
    He made an scientific discovery on texas boundaries, his job was to explore natural resources and check on native americans, they wanted to find out about what was the behavior of the americans. He travelled to East texas, on their commision, he reccomended to take big protection
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions
    Texas settlers which rebelled Mexican leader, created a constitution with Federalists, the constitution was created to four resolutions by the Bustamante government, he wanted all Texans to support patriots under Santa Anna, who was time struggling to defeat President Bustamante, they got this idea because the rebels had heard Federalist army had won over a significant victory under the leadership under Antonio Lopez.
  • Battle of Velasco

    Battle of Velasco
    This is the first time war has happened between both Texas and Mexico, Henry Smith and John Austin were in charge of retrieving a cannon from Brazoria, the battle was fought at Fort Velasco against the Mexican Forces, The american were high on soldiers more than Mexican forces, later on the Mexicans were forced to surrender because they ran out of ammunition, later settlers found out the prisoners were released and Bradburn lost his spot as commander.
  • Convention of 1832

    Convention of 1832
    This Convention was held at San Felipe after Battle of Velasco later, Fifty-five delegates elected Stephen F. Austin and met for five days. They have later on requested things for example, let permit of more immigration from the United States, They let tariff exemptions, plans to organize militias and vigilance, the Mexican government did not accept to separate Coahuila from Texas.
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    The Convention of 1833 was held at San Felipe, The day when Antonio Lopez took over Mexico, about 56 delegates attended, Sam Houston was one of the new delegate, William H.Wharton made a petition to repeal on anti-immigration of the law of April 6, 1830, he also requested on mail service,Indian defense, and prohibit African slave Traffic in Texas, Delegates again elected separation of Couhuila, Austin went alone to submit the constitution to Texas.
  • SFA goes to Mexico city

    SFA  goes to Mexico city
    Austin arrived to Mexico city at July right after the Convention of 1833, Austin tried to persuade the government to repeal the law of April 6,1830 and, wanted to promise to inform important reforms in Texas local government, the government did not accept. When he was about to leave, he got arrested on January, he was released on December 1834, but, could not leave Texas.
  • The Consultation

    The Consultation
    This Consultation was held in San Felipe, this Consultation started a diplomatic relation with Mexico, led by Stephen F. Austin and the side that immediately wanted to declare independence, by Henry Smith and William Wharton, there were three issues, war, power, and structure of the government, later on they declared that Sam Houston was commander of the army.