road to revolution timeline

By mjman
  • Period: to

    road to revolution

  • the stamp acts

    the stamp acts
    the stamp act is enacted starting the british attempt to erase its massive debt. The act is understood in the colonies as a assult on their libertys because they are being taxed without being represented in parliment. Citezens are still loyal to the british empire, but seeds of doubt have been planted.
  • Stamp Act repealed

    Meet with joyous celebration in the colonies.
  • Townshend acts partialy repealed

    All duites exept for tea dropped.
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
    The townshend acts are placed as a way with dealing with the new york assembly, and as a way of again counteracting britans debt. The colonial protest was nearly identical to that of the stamp act, what distinguished the townshend acts is that when repealed the tax on tea was left undisturbed. This lead to some colonial citezens still protesting.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Came as a result of the colonists dissaproval of the british parliment and their protests. The boston people were protesting the parts of the Townshend Acts that were not repealed.The soliders posted in boston felt threatened by the Crowds and fired on them. The soilders were prosecuted and punished, however this event only further seperated the colonies from britan.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    The colonists continue their protest of the british opprestion that they feel is unjust, by dumping millions worth of tea into the boston harbor to protest the tea act. This was the last straw for the british government who would begin to crack down on the colonies.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The begining of the end of the colonies relations with great britan.These acts put boston in complete power of britan until the east india company was repaid for their losses in the boston tea party.The quebec act was also passed which extended the borders of quebec into territory the colonies wished to colonize.These acts were Despised by all the colonies and the continental congress was formed,creating the first american government and begining the complete division between Britan and america.