Road to Revolution project

  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was signed on February 10th 1763 by Great Britain, France, and Spain signalling victory for the British in the 7 years war. This made France give up all of mainland America removing any threat of foreign military for the British.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was when britain imposed a tax on all printed paper products throughout the colonies. It is called the stamp act because all of the paper products were printed with a stamp on it.
  • The Townshend acts

    The Townshend acts
    The townshend acts were a series of laws and teaxes passed by britsh in 1767-1768 these were taxes on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre (also known as the incident on king street) was a night when british officers fired at and killed several hucklers on king street in boston. This was highly publicized by founding fathers such as Samuel Adams and Paul Revere to help persuade the people of Boston to rebel.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The tea act was passed by parliament on May 10 1773 which allowed the British East India company a direct route to the colonies. Which created a new tax on tea. This also forced the colonist to only buy British Tea. This led to the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when a group of patriots led by Samuel Adams, dumped many crates of tea in the boston harbor in repel against the tea act.
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable acts
    This act was a group of laws passed by England to punish the Bostonians for the Boston Tea party. These acts created much more taxes for the colonies.
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    These were the first military engagements in the revolutionary war. This battle sparked the saying "The shot heard 'round the world." When patriots fired first on the British Soldiers.
  • The Battle of Bunker hill.

    The Battle of Bunker hill.
    The battle of bunker hill was when the British attempted to invade Boston. The patriots, running low on ammunition, were told "Don't fire until you see the whites in their eyes. The patriots, close to victory, were forced to retreat due to the lack of ammunition. Even though they lost this battle, this told the british (who lost substantial amounts of men) that this was not going to be an easy victory.
  • The Declaration of Independence.

    The Declaration of Independence.
    The Declaration of Independence was conceived by the second continental congress meeting at Pennsylvania. Written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. This document was to announce and explain the separation from Great Britain.