
Road to Revolution

  • The Molasses act.

    The Molasses act.
    The British forcing the colonies to by the molasses for them and not from wast indies. It helps the colonies together to protect English economic interests . The colonies protected because the precise is hire than the British.
  • The Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act
    After the stamp act the British parliament the Declaratory Act. The British to showed them who was the boss . The colones protested the Declaratory Act.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    Canada related the temper government. This act gave the French Canadians complete religious freedom. The colones protest in the thirteen colones .
  • First Continental Congress.

    First Continental Congress.
    Virginia took the lead in opposing British policies. The policies is that all trade with the British should be suspend. A lot of people wrote their names on the First continental Congress.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The colones disposed that the quartering act is algal. The colones ware upset that they had pay for the things that the solders used . The colones protested against the solders.