Rivers to Railroads

  • steam power

    steam power
    Robert Fulton was the maker of the first steam boat. He began building it in 1802. The boat was deemed the Clermont. Many people looked on in amazement when they saw it the first time.
  • shipping steam boats

    shipping steam boats
    in 1811 the "Mississippi" was set afloat. It was the first steamboat to carry passengers and cargo. This set the stage for a new way of shipping items and goods.

    On this day the first steam powered train started up in amaerica. This made way for great expansions in the USA no longer did we have to wait to send goods like we did for the steamboat. It provided jobs and trade to places it had never gone before.
  • nudged out

    nudged out
    by 1860 there was 30,000 miles of track in the united states. steam boats were hardly used. the only thing keeping steam boats active was trains could not go on water.
  • today!

    Trains arent used as much anymore. they still provide tons of jobs yearly. also the railways are making a comeback.