Rise of Totalitarianism

By steve23
  • Bolshevik Takeover

    Bolshevik Takeover
    Squads of the Red Guards joined mutinous sailors from the russian fleet in going against the government. In a couple of days, Lenin's forces overthrew a govenrment who no longer had any support left.
  • Creation of Fascism

    Creation of Fascism
    He created the fascism party which meant that there was one party controlling the government/country.
  • Hitler joins NSDOP

    Hitler joins NSDOP
    Adolf Hitler joins the Nationalist Socialist German Worker's Party, also known as the Nazi Party. This group had many ideas that Hitler agreed with. They had German nationalism and believe in anti-Semitism.
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    20,000 fascist members marched on rome demanding power. Due to this, mussolini is apointed to the position of prime minister.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Hitler fails at trying to overthrow the government. He and other heads of the Nazi party tried to seize power at the Munich. They wanted to make the Munch as a spark to go against Germany's Weimer Republic government. This ended in the imprisonment of Hitler.
  • The NEP (New economic plan)

    The NEP (New economic plan)
    Lenin adopted a new policy which gave the people from Russia more freedom. Not only that but were able to go on and open their shops or farms back up and not worry about the government taking all the profit they made. Food and and industrial production were up to prewar levels by 1928.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    Lenin's death set off a power struggle among the communist leaders. There was two top leaders fighting for power. THe two were Joseph Stalin and Trotsky,
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Hitler while in prison writes Mein Kampf. It explains Hitler’s political views. it also expresses Hitler’s anti-Semitist side and a conspiracy that Jewish people were trying to gain world leadership.
  • Collectivization!

    This didnt go so well. Most of the time, peasents made just enough to feed themselves. The ones who were unlucky to would most likely die of stavation. This ended up creating a famine. Between 5 to 8 million people died in Ukrain alone.
  • 5 Year Plan

    5 Year Plan
    Once stalin was in power, he set out to make the Soviet Union modern. He believed that they suffered many losses due to not modernizing. He first did building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output. They did this by developing something called comman economy were the government take control of it all.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    In 1931, japanese officers claimed that there was an accident. They blew up some japanese property and said that the Chinese did it and in respond to that. They went out and took over Manchuria and set up a puppet state and naming it Manzhouguo.
  • Unnanamious Decision, Nazi Party wins.

    Unnanamious Decision, Nazi Party wins.
    The Nazi Party gained a lot of supporters with excellent political campaigners. This party became very appealing to students and women. Students look at Nazism as a way to get a better future considering the depression issues. Women were respected because they could produce more Nazi followers.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    President Paul Van Hindenburg reluctantly gave Hitler the position of of Chancellor. He now has power from within the German politics.
  • Great Purges

    Great Purges
    Stalin set out his men to crack down anyone who was against him or didnt follow what they were suppose to. They were to kill any political person planing on going against him and would kill them publicly so show the people or remind them whos in charge.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    italy sent over 50,000 troops and supplies to take over Ethiopia.
  • Miltarization in Rhineland

    Miltarization in Rhineland
    Hitler militarizes the Rhineland, going against the treaty of Versailles. This was the first violation since World War I.
  • "Rape of Nanjing"

    "Rape of Nanjing"
    After deciding on invading China, the Japanese army decided to set up their puppet government in the city of Nanjing which was China's old Nationalist Capital. There was the place were killing and brutality of Japanese soldiers on China's citizen took place.
  • Anschluss

    This was the occupation and annexttion of Austria into Germany.
  • The Munich Agreement is signed

    The Munich Agreement is signed
    The Munich Pact was signed at the Munich conference in Munich. This agreement permitted Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland.
  • Hitler Takes Over the Sudetenland

    Hitler Takes Over the Sudetenland
    Nazi Germany takes over the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.
  • Signing of the Berlin, Rome, & Tokyo Axis.

    Signing of the Berlin, Rome, & Tokyo Axis.
    In 1939, as Japan was fighting against China, WWII broke out in Europ. There was when Japan decided to fight with the Axis power who included Mussulini's Italy and Hitler's Nazi Germany. This lader on became to know as the worlds deadliest world war.
  • Nazi Soviet

    Nazi Soviet
    During the Purges, Stalin killed or took the jobs of military officers which would come back and haunt him as in June of 1941, Germany invades Russia.