Hitler joins the Nazi party
It first started out as a small party of under 60 men. Hitler was invited into the party after they had heard him arguing with somebody. HItler quickly became the main leader of the party. -
Signing of the Treaty of Versaille
The treaty of versailles was just a contract that stipped germany of its power and pride. They were ordered to sign the treaty and give up a huge amount of land. The treaty was also a way of humiliating the germans. -
Beer Hall Putsch
They tried to control the state goverment . They wanted to over throw the german federal govermennt and create a government which would be based on race. The putsch failed. -
Mein Kampf
It was published in 1925 after the russian civil war. It was a book that hilter had writte, it showeed his view on things. -
Great Depression
It was a decade of unemployment, low profits, low prices, high poverty, and stagnant trade that affected the entire world. The stock marked crashed which was what triggered the Great Depression in the U.S. then spread to every continent. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hitler was given the spot as chancellor of germany on january 30, 1933. With the power he recieved he was able to use reichstag fire, to bully and harass the riechstag into passing enabling act. He made many different laws with out the consideration of the citizens. -
Enabling Bill
The Enabling Act was passed by ger,amy's reichstag and signed by the president. It was the second major step wich should how much power hitler had. This act had to last for four year unless renewed, which was done twice.