Rise of Nazis

  • Hitler Declares Himself as Fuehrer

    Hitler Declares Himself as Fuehrer
    Adolf Hitler declares himself as absolute leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). This party pushed for nationalism and used anti-Sematic ideas. To deal with opponents to his group, he formed a group known as the Brownshirts.
  • Hitler is Released from Trial

    After Hitler is released from trial, he gains a lot of publicity. On his release, he tried to make the NSDAP into a real party and destroy democracy.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Since the start of the Great Depression, Germans began taking to more "radical parties." In May of 1928, Nazis had 12 seats in Reichstag. By July of 1932, that number grew to 230.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    In 1933, Franz Von Papen used his voting advisors to "curb Hitler's radicalness." Hildenburg then offered chancellorship to Hiltler allowed him to form a government.
  • Dealing with Protestors and Presidents

    Dealing with Protestors and Presidents
    Hitler implemented his idea of concentration camps of those opposed to him.
  • Fire Gives Power

    Fire Gives Power
    On February 27, 1933, a destructive fire burned down the Reichstag building in Berlin. There was flammable material spread throughout the building. Though the cause of the fire was unknown, it gave Hitler more power because it allowed him to invoke Article 48 of Weimar Constitution. It allowed Hitler to "rule by decree, to ensure public safety and order." It allowed Hitler to define his own rights and control the press, communication, and political meetings.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act gave Hitler rights that he did not have because of the fire. He began controlling nearly everything. He could "rule by decree, bypass the constitution, initiate taxes, spending, and determine foreign policy, all without legislation or Reichstag approval."
  • Nazi's Declaration

    The Nazi's declared that the National Socialist German Workers' Party was the only "legal" party in Germany. Germans joining any other party or creating a new one would be punished with imprisonment.
  • Hitler is Governor

    Hitler is Governor
    President Hindenburg dies and Hitler assumes full control of the government. The Nazis rise to power.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler implemented the draft. He assumed control of the nation's military and prepared soldiers for war.
  • The Rhineland

    Hitler goes against the Treaty of Versailles. He orders his troops into the Rhineland River, which is prohibited for Germany. France and Britain did nothing when Hitler broke the treaty.
  • Need for Land and Resources

    Hitler proposes and expansion of Germany into Eastern Europe so that Germany would have more land and resources.
  • Anschluss

    Hitler joined Austria and Germany under one government.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    British Prime Minister met with Hitler 3 times. They agreed that the Nazis could take over the Sudeten region as long as Hitler wouldn’t go further into Czechoslovakia.