Hitler fights in WWI
The beginning of the war started with the Austriqan heir to the throne being assassionated by a Serban terrorist. Things quickly escalted and before he knew it, Hitler was in the army. During his time in the service, he was wounded twice and injured by gas once. This is where his hatred for other ethnicities started. -
Treaty of Versailles
After World War I, there were a number of treaties signed against the defeated nations in the war. Since Germany was seen as the country that started the war and kept it going, they were given the most severe penalties. Germany, after the war, had to give back much of the land they overtook during the war and they also had to pay war reperations for the damadge caused. These points were put into the Treaty of Versailles so it could not be ignored or changed. -
Nazi Party is formed
First, this group was called the German Workers Party. It presented left-winged ideas and Hitler found a common ground within in their thoughts and ideas. He was later appointed main speaker of the group and later appointed the party's propaganda manager. -
Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party
After being found a prolific speaker on behalof of the Nazi party, Hitler was elected leader of the party in 1921. This event will later lead him to being the Dictator of Germany. The nazi party was growing and it needed a strong leader. Hitler wass just what the party needed. -
Beer Hall Putsch
After the fall of the German government, Hitler saw his chance to jump in and sieze power. He led his small army into Beer Hall where German leaders were having a meeting. The small army captured the leaders and continued their march. The police decided to open fire and the Hitler followers were quickly put down. -
Hitler is tried for Treason
Hitler is tried for treason after the Beer Hall Pustch. Treason is the act of going against ones own government. SInce Hitler was intending to overthrow and capture the current government, he was guilty as charged. This lead to his jail sentence where he wrote hish famous novel, Mein Kampf. -
Mein Kampf is written
After participating in the Beer Hall Putsch, hitler was sentenced to five years in prison. Much of his time there he devoted to writing his book "Mein Kampf". This book would discuss his social and political beliefs put into an autobiography. The book also talks about his views on propaganda and its usage. This is where he discussed his ideas of Germans being the greatest race in the world and that all others are inferior. -
Stock market crash
The stock market crash happened in America but affected many other countries such as Germany. Wall street had crashed which means America could not trade with other countries and vice versa. This put a halt to ecomomiof progress for the time being but prompted WWII. This was the beginning of the Great Depression. -
Hitler is voted Chancellor
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany. This sets him up for future positions in higher ranking places. He greets the parade participants who gathered to cellebrate the new Chancellor. -
The Reichstag Fire
In 1933, the Reichstag was subdued to arson. This parlimentary building was burnt to the ground without a clear reason why, so German used it to their advantage and blamed Communists. It was supposedly a sign of the Communist uprising but failed to overthrow the nazi party. -
Nazis elected to Reichstag
This was a federal election held in march ofr 1933 and allowed the Nazi party into the reichstag of the Weimar republic. The nazi party gained much of the vote with 288 seats. The nazi was by far the biggest party who appealed to Germans. -
Hitler becomes dictator
After the death of Hindenburg, the Nazi party declared laws proclaiming the the new role of leadership will be filled by the position of the current chancellor (Adolf Hitler). Later that day, the governmnets were sworn allegience to Hitler.