Rise of Dictators

  • Stalin joins the Bolsheviks

    Stalin joins the Bolsheviks under the rule of Lenin. https://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin
  • Mussolini gained support by domestic large monopoly capitals—Onsaldo

    After the WWI started, as a editor for <Forward Report> he posted that Italy would join the war and so he get fired by that newspaper office. But he formed his own newspaper no longer after that and get support by domestic large monopoly capitals—Onsaldo, Sugar Industry, and Power Industries, etc. provided him with funds, and the French government provided financial assistance to him through his embassy in the country.
  • Period: to

    Hitler serves in WWI

    Adolf Hitler fought on the front lines of WWI for Germany. Though not being German, he was known for his nationalistic beliefs for Germany and was anxious to fight for his country. After losing the war, Hitler was fueled with rage to take revenge for the way his country was treated due to the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Mussolini hole a “ fascist movement”

    March 23, 1919,he hole a “ fascist movement” and formed the world’s first “ fighting fascist party” in Milan. https://baike.baidu.com/item/贝尼托·墨索里尼/9939423?fromtitle=墨索里尼&fromid=598689
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty that endedWW1
  • Mussolini seized the small and medium-sized cities controlled by the Socialist Party

    As saying they are going to help the government restore its social order, it seized the small and medium-sized cities controlled by the Socialist Party.The parliaments and executive leadership of these cities were originally controlled by the Socialist Party. The fascists’ capture of these cities not only was not interfered by the government, but they were condoned by the military police and the gendarmerie
  • Mussolini target the central government

    Fascist Party Secretariat learned that Alleanza del lavoro is going to hold a national general strike and immediately issued an ultimatum to the government, threatening to say,“If the government cannot stop the strike within 48 hours, then we Take action to strike. When the country has the ability to maintain its dignity,we support the country,the country does not have this ability, then we must replace it in accordance with the law of things
  • Mussolini formed his first fascist government.

    They made personnel arrangements for the march to Rome, formulated a march plan, and determined a specific course of action. On October 27th, the fascist four-member leading group based in Perugia issued an order to march into Rome, and 30,000 fascists began to “advance to Rome”. On the afternoon of the 29th, the king asked Mussolini to go to Beijing to form a cabinet. On October 31, Mussolini formed his first fascist government.
  • Hitler tries to gain power

    Hitler tries to gain power in Germany by attempting to overthrow the government. He does so by holding government leaders of other political parties hostage. Though his attempt failed and he was thrown into prison on November 8th/9th of 1923. Hitler’s motives were trying to spread the word of the Nazi party but thought doing so unlawfully was the most effective way to do it, he was then sentenced to 5 years in prison but was realeased in December of 1924.
    source: WWII for kids pages 4-5
  • Hitler publishes “Mein Kampf”/“My Struggle”

    While in prison, Hitler does not sit and write this book but dictates it to Rudolf Hess. In this book, Hitler describes his struggle throughout his life and in WWI. He also goes onto divide humans into categories of race, religion, etc. the superior race was Aryan, white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair. This book did not sell many copies when published but as he got roles in the government later in his life, copies were sold.
  • Tojo appointed commomander

    appointed commander of first infantry regiment. With this regiment he helped suppress a mutiny against the Tokyo garrison. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tojo-Hideki
  • Stalin five year plan

    Stalin starts to improve agriculture and steal and iron development during his five year plan in 1928. This is important because this is one way that he appeals to the crowed which will help him get into complete power later. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/treaty-of-versailles
  • Hitler runs for president of Germany

    Currently Chancellor, Hitler runs for president of his Country during The Great Depression of Germany to help the economy bounce back. Nazi posters were posted everywhere along the city, Nazi rallies were held around Germany, and even Nazi adds were seen in newspapers. President Hindenburg did almost nothing, and trusted his people wanted to keep the radicals out of power which proved to be costly in the end.
  • Hitler anointed power

    President Hindenburg gives Hitler power of Chancellor of Germany due to the fact he does not want to deal with the massive starvation and unemployment of Germany. Hitler, wanting to re-energize the country, pridefully takes power and shifts the Nazi belief into his country.
  • The great purge

    The great purge during 1936-38 was when dozens of these Old Bolsheviks, including Zinov'ev, Kamenev, and Bukharin, confessed to improbable crimes against the Soviet state and were executed. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/treaty-of-versailles
  • Tojo becomes cheif of staff

    Becomes chief of staff of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. This allowed him to have more political influence and power.
  • Tojo becomes vice minister

    Tojo became army vice minister and pushed for an alliance with Germany and Italy. This would lead to a formal alliance with the three countries.
  • WWII begins

    Germany invades poland
  • Stalin kills troscky

    August 21, 1940 Stalin kills his biggest political rival Leon Trotsky to gain complete power and get rid of one of the many people he feels are in his way. https://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin
  • Tojo authorizes attack on pearl harbor

    Tojo authorizes attack on pearl harbor despite dislike of the plan by his lead generals. This attack would aggravate America and caused them to enter the war.
  • Tojo removed from power

    1944 the Japanese were losing the war and people were not happy with this and blamed it on Tojo’s actions. After the island of Saipan fell to the Americans he was removed from power by the emperor.
  • Stalin dies

    Stalin dies on March 5, 1953 which was the beginning of the destalinization period of Russia where the trues to get rid of every trace of Stalin. https://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin