Birth Of Muhammad
The prophet, Muhammad, was born in the city of Mecca in the year 570 C.E. -
Period: 570 to
Rise & Spread Of Islam
Nov 11, 610
Muhammads 1st Revelation
His 1st revelation came to him while ontop of a mountain, he recieved news of a one god, Allah. It took many years for him to find the courage to tell people outside o his family -
Nov 11, 622
Muhammads Flight to Medina
After threats from the Ummayad clans, Muhammad was forced to flee his home city of Mecca to Medina. -
Jan 11, 630
Muhammads Triumph
Muhammad and the Muslims had gained power from Mecca once th Meccans had joined them. -
Jun 8, 632
Death Of Muhammad
Muhammad died after a brief illness in Medina. He was buried in the mosque in Medina. -
Nov 11, 632
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
There were 4 Caliphs that followed Muhammads death.Abu Bakr, Umatr ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib. -
Nov 15, 632
Quran Complied
the holy book had many revlations and was very impotant to the Islamic religion -
Nov 11, 633
Start Muslim Conquest Of Persia
The Muslims fought against an important political and military weakness in Persia. -
Nov 11, 654
End Of Muslim Conquest
This conquest ended the Sasanian Empire and the decline of Zoroastrian religion in Iraq. -
Nov 15, 675
Umayyad Caliphate
The Umayyad Caliphate was the largest covered empire, not by population, but by area. The world has seen of the 4 major Islamic Caliphates that we've established after Muhammaddeath, the second is the Umayyad Caliphate. -
Nov 15, 762
Baghdad established as capital of Abbasid Caliphate
Nov 15, 1099
Crusaders Of Jerusalem
Jerusalem became a Christian city after about 450 years of Islam. Muslim attackers took over for a short period, then power was brought back to crusaders. -
Nov 11, 1206
Delhi Sultanate established in India
The Dheli Sultanate refers to the many Muslim dynasties that ruled in India from 1206-1526. One of the greatestaccomplishments of the Delhi Sultanate was its defense against the Mongol invasion, but in 1526, the Sultanate was replaced by the Mongol Empire. -
Feb 10, 1258
Mongols sack Baghdad: Formal end of Abbasid Caliphate
Mongols demanded that Baghdad surrender. The city was no match for the Mongols. They killed about 200,000 people and the last and final Caliph. -
Nov 15, 1258
Abbasid Csliphate End
This Caliphate had many great sucsesses over their era. They even moved the capital from the holy city, Mecca, to Baghdad, currently Iraq. -
Nov 15, 1324
Mansa Musa pilgramige to Mecca
In 1324, Mansa Musa made a pilgramage to Mecca, consisting of 60,000 men and 80 camels, each camel transports about 300 lbs. worth of gold. Mansa Musa gave out so much gold: it caused its value to drop. He strengthened Islam and gave it more stability to Mali. -
Nov 15, 1453
Ottoman Empire conquers Constantinople: end of Byzantine Emoire
Constantinople was conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman army. Ottoman became a very powerful army. Sultan Mehmed ll, Ruler of the Ottoman Turks, led the attacks. -
Jan 2, 1492
Christian re-conquest of Spain completed: end of Muslim Spain
King Boabdil surrendered Granada to the Spanish forces. The "Reconquista" was one of the most famous European expansions. -
Nov 15, 1526
Mughal Empire established in India
The Mughal Empire was established by Babur, the first Mongol emperor, and established in 1526. The Mongols were Muslim warriors who invaded India. -
Emergence Of Sufism
Sufism is also known as the "inner mystical dimension of Islam." Sufis are people who ggenerally push for excellence or perfection. -
Abbasid caliphate begin
The Abbasid Caliphate was the 3rd Islamc Caliphate. This CAlpihate came after the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate. -
Conquest Of Spain