Rios Chaves Wulfrano Emanuel 414

  • 1519

    The conquest of Mexico 1519-1521

    The conquest of Mexico 1519-1521
    The conquest of Mexico was very important towards the Mexica State, it was accomplished by Hernán Cortés in the name of King Carlos I of Spain, the conquest was between 1519 and 1521.
    This conquest marked the entire Mexican territory
  • Mexico's independence 16 th sep.

    Mexico's independence 16 th sep.
    The independence of Mexico was very important that ended Spanish rule in most of the territories of Mexico,
    who did this was Miguel Hidalgo, from there was Independiente Mexico
  • Cake War 1838-1839

     Cake War  1838-1839
    This conflict was created between France and Mexico, it all started when a French military brought a Mexican bakery, the military was drunk, there were disasters, they made cakes everywhere, Mexico charged France for this and there was the first French intervention.
  • War of the Reform 1858 - 1861

    War of the Reform 1858 - 1861
    In the War of Reform there was a civil war that took place in Mexico from 1858 to January 10, 1861. The nation had divided into two main groups: Liberals and Conservatives; This made them fight for their ideals. The Mexican transformation was due to the transition of the political structure in which it was sought to establish the democratic capitalist system and put an end to the one that existed since the Colony and the Empire.
  • The Porfiriato 1877

    The Porfiriato  1877
    Porfiriato's economy was a period that did very important changes in the Mexican territory, mainly economically due to foreign investment. This cycle that lasted 35 years, which began in 1877, with the victory of General Porfirio Díaz over the lerdistas and the churches; that it would end in 1911, with the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution; that ended with the president's exile in France.
  • Mexican Revolution 1910-1917

    Mexican Revolution 1910-1917
    It was an armed conflict that took place between 1910-1917, it turned into a fight against the power government of General Porfirio Díaz, but it did so in a civil war between factions fighting for the "authentic revolution". Different political and social groups united for one objective, but then they controlled a layer of guerilla warfare in one of the most important moments for Mexico, which left more than a million dead, although it didn't have many bad things, it also generated good things.
  • Contemporary Mexico 1936

     Contemporary Mexico 1936
    At the end of the presidential term of Lázaro Cárdenas, he became the middle and upper classes, to maintain the fragile stability that the country had reached, he decided to choose Manuel Ávila Camacho as a successor to a more conservative trend.
    What Manuel Ávila Camacho did was the creation of the IMSS; the elimination of the PNR military sector
  • 1968 student movement

    1968 student movement
    Students from various recognized institutions, as well as some universities, gathered to demonstrate against the government, since there was no honesty and honor on their part, this massive movement occurred in the town of Tlatelolco, where the government did several of they ,
  • Feminist movement

    Feminist movement
    It is a political and social movement that involves the conscience of women as a group, against oppression, sexual violence, subordination and exploitation, which seeks conditions of equal rights and opportunities for women in relation to men. It was made as just social conditions for In both sectors, this movement began to take place since in Mexico, this happened since there were deaths of women, called feminicides.
  • My mexico

    My mexico
    These were some of the events that marked my country, since how it evolved, there were several conflicts, but each of them was forcing my beautiful Mexico, it did a lot, and thanks to it it was growing.