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Rights & Resist Timeline

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    1. The colonial people of America fought for liberty. The debt from the Seven year war caused the unfair treatment to colonial people.
    2. This was occurring in America. It occurred after the Seven Year War.
    3. The aggressor was Great Britain. The victim was the Colonial people. The excessive tax on stamps, causes the people to resist. and further elevated the tensions between the two forces.
    4. The efforts to resist was successful in the end. I know this through the evidenceon text
  • The Third Estate Revolt

    The Third Estate Revolt
    1. The people were fighting for the burdens from the taxes. The third estate had to pay most of the taxes.
    2. This was occurring in France. 3.The aggressor were the third estate. They decided to present their complaints and problems to the king. The victim are the people of France. 4.The revolt was successful. The french revolution cares a dramatic change. French people replaced the monarch with a National Assembly composed of members of the Third Estate.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    1. The people were fighting for liberty. The discrimination against slaves and the social classes were obstacles.
    2. This was occurring in the French Colony of Saint Dominique.
    3. The victim of the revolution are the slaves. The aggressors of the this was the petitioners.
    4. The effort to resist were successful. The Haitian revolution allowed liberty to be achieved.
  • Venezuela

    1. The people were fighting for liberty and freedom.
    2. This was occurring in Venezuela which is another Spanish colony.
    3. The aggressors were the mestizos. The victim are the people of the colony.
    4. The revolt was successful. The people of Venezuela achieved their freedom.
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence
    1. The people were fighting for independence. A priest named Miguel Hidalgo caused this. 2.This was occurring in Mexico.
    2. The aggressors were the people of Mexico, specifically the speech from Hidalgo. The victim is Spain.
    3. The efforts of revolt was successful.. Hidalgo was very influential. His ideas later influenced his believers and allowed the termination of Spain's control.
  • China Overthrown

    China Overthrown
    1. The people were fighting for the overthrowing the Chinese authority.
    2. This was occurring in China.
    3. The aggressor were the Sun Yat-sen. The victim was the people of China.
    4. The effort was very successful. The nationalist government over threw China.