
Revolutions Visual Timeline

  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The glorious revolution was when England's King James II was overthrown and replaced by William and Mary.
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    Industrial Revolution

    It was spurred by the technological revolution innovations. The industrial revolution changed the agricultural, rural socities of England and America to become more industrial and urban. Industrilazation helped manufacture large amounts of goods and improved ways of communication/transportation. Even though it improved living conditions for some, for many it resulted in bad working and living conditions for the poor and middle.-working class.
  • Introduction of the Potato

    Introduction of the Potato
    Possibly the most important contributer to the agricultural revolution was the potato which produced more food per acre than wheat, rye, and oats. The agricultural revolution was a continued gradual development of agriculture that increased food production and efficiency.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    One of the most important innovations of the Technological revolution, the steam engine was developed by James Watt in 1764. This engine allowed for more transportation as steam powered trains and ships became more common. Railroads began to connect different markets and port cities.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    This was one of many taxes that the British government placed on colonists to help pay off their debt after expensive foreign wars. The Stamp Act imposed a tax on all legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, and other printed papers. Although it was later repealed, other taxes were added to the colonists unjustly. The colonists became angered and began to boycott British products; the slogan "No taxation without representation" became popular. These taxes provoked anti-loyalist emotion.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British colonial authorities' reaction to boycotts and attacks on royal officials. They fired on an angry crowd of Boston colonists and killed 5. Gathered support for independence and determined public opinion.
  • United States Declaration of Independence

    United States Declaration of Independence
    Congress approved the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson which affirmed popular sovereignty and individual rights. It would serve as inspiration for many revolutions around the world because a successful democratic nation was created.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Acheived a nonviolent second American Revolution. George Washington became presiding officer. Representatives formed and structured a new government, the most democratic of its time.
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    The Haitian Revolution

    Slaves of San Domingue, France's richest colony, rebelled against power of slipping slave owners. Led by Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Overture, slavery was abolished in the only successful slave revolution.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    This was the symbolic start of the French revolution. A crowd of citizens attacked the prison and freed the prisoners inside. It was initiated as a peasant uprising against old order, marked by refusal to pay taxes, sacking manor houses, and destroying documents.
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    French Revolution

    Reign of Terror: 14 Jul 1793 - 14 Jul 1794
    The Reign of Terror began under the revolutionary leader Maximilliam Robespierre, who was in charge of Committee of Public Safety at the time. Later, himself and his allies would be consumed by their own gullotine. 40,000 were killed and 300,000 imprisoned. The peasants revolted by refusing to pay taxes, sacking manor houses, and destroying documents.
  • Rise of Napoleon

    Rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon came to power as "one of the people" and wasn't of noble birth. He came to power as the French Revolution caused mass chaos and demand for order. Napoleon declared himself above the church, as emporer on Jan. 1st, 1804. All of his conquests created a vast empire, containing most of Europe.
  • Declaration of Haitian Independence

    Declaration of Haitian Independence
    Toussaint's successors make Haiti the second independent nation in the western hemisphere.
  • Beginning of Creole-led Revolution

    Beginning of Creole-led Revolution
    Creoles in Venezuala became concerned for themselves and their priveleges. They were becoming frustrated by political and economic of colonial officials. This anger because of high taxes and imperial monopolies was felt by many Latin American colonists and led to rebellion and revolution.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Representatives of Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and other nations met to reestablish political order in Europe. They reverted France to it's political state before the revolution by reinstating the monarchy and its 1792 borders.
  • Brazillian Revolution

    Brazillian Revolution
    In 1808, the Portuguese Royal family arrived in Brazil to help maintain loyalty and stimulate the economy. By 1820, when King John VI returned to Portugal, this loyalty was disrupted and talk of Revolution began.
  • Mexico Declares Independence from Spain

    Mexico Declares Independence from Spain
    Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla led the first stage of the revolution in 1810, then his former student Jose Maria Morelos continued to lead fighting forces until 1815. However, it wasn't until Colonel Agustin de Iturbide and loyalist commanders foraged an alliance that independence was declared, but Mexico was still a monarchy. Finally, Mexico became a republic in 1823.
  • Pedro I declares Brazlian Independence from Portugal

    Pedro I declares Brazlian Independence from Portugal
    Pedro I wanted to maintain his family hold on Brazil, so he sided with the independent sentiment of the people and declared independence. He then became emperor of Brazil.
  • Venezuelan Independence

    Venezuelan Independence
    Led by Simon Bolivar, Venezualan revolutionaries defeated Spanish armies and attempted to creat a single nation of Venezuala, Columbia, and Ecuador.
  • Greek Independence

    Greek Independence
    With assistance from Britain, France, and Russia, Greece became it's own nation, independent of the Ottoman Empire. This was regarded as a triumph for European civilization because they regained their classical roots.
  • Slavery Abolished in America

    Slavery Abolished in America
    Although Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, slavery was not completely abolished until 1865 with the passing of the 13th Ammendment. This marked an important change from tradition. Slavery had become a common way of life and its aboltion caused widespread controversy.
  • Creation of Dominion of Canada

    Creation of Dominion of Canada
    Confederation of 1876, including Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia met to extablish a new nationality with a government centralized at Ottawa.
  • Phillipines Proclaimed a Republic

    Phillipines Proclaimed a Republic
    As the movement for independence arrose in the Phillipines against Spanish rule, Emilio Aguinalo (a leader or a secret society) rose in revolt and claimed the Phillipines a Republic. The people originally had a great chance to gain independence, however when the Americans won the Spanish-American war and took over the islands they suppressed insurrection and ruled strictly. When they rebellion settled in 1916, the Phillipines were promised their independence but received it 30 years later.