Revolutions/Unifications Timeline

  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution The salves initiated the rebellion in 1791. By 1792 a third of the island had being controlled. British arrived in 1793 to conquer the colony, that led 1798 after a defeat series of defeats by l’Overture’s forces. In 1801 l’Overture decided to expand the revolution beyond Haiti, and conquering the Spanish colony Santo Domingo. l’Overture was sent to France and then sent to prison in 1803 l’Overture died. One of l’Overture’s general
  • Haitian revolution (continued)

    Haitian revolution (continued)
    led the revolutionaries battles on November 18 1803, where french forces had being defeated. During January 1,1804 Dessalines declared the nations independence and renamed it Haiti, Franch was the first nation to recognize its independence.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar) As the 18th century came, the relationships between the Spanish and Portuguese monarchies and colonies in the Americas had become strained by modernizing reforms,rebellion and wars in Europe. The liberalization of trade monopoly had been successful for some people but some of the people where not benefited by much prosperity. The elite class in Latin America with independence and having to continue to live under monarchy rules.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar) (continued)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar) (continued)
    In order to make the decision they would have to weight the benefits of political freedom against the risks of internal orders, and race wars in which monarchy could provide protection. Napoleons invasion in 1808 triggered the struggle for the Spanish Latin American's Independence.During 1810 spanish resistance to Napoleon was about to collapse completely.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    In 1821 the land that was known as Greece is controlled by the Turks.The rebellion of the Greeks began in Moldavia when an army of 4500 Hellenes led by General Alexander, invade hoping to encourage the local Romanian peasants. Instead they attacked their wealthy countryman and the Greeks had to escape or else they would also get killed. On march 1821 Bishop raised the flag of revolution at the monetary of Agia and the battle becomes the motto of the revolution.
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence In 1801 The rebel army captured the granary. Most of the Spaniards had being massacred or exiled.During 1813 Morelos convoked a national congress of representatives from all of the providence. In 1815 Morelos was caught and he was set to face, what Hidalgo had to face, Morelos was executed like like Hidalgo. After the ten years of was and death of two founders, in early 1820 the independence movement stalemated and close to collapse
  • Mexican war of independence (continued)

    Mexican war of independence (continued)
    Mexico would be an independent monarchy, and the roman catholic church would retrain privilege. After the conviction of his troops to accept the principals, on February 24, 1821 the plan of iguala persuated Guerrero to join its forces.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)
    Revolution that took place during the 18th and 19th century. Jose San Martin defeated the Spanish in Chile in 1817, this victory was set of a tide of victory for the cause of Latin American Independence.In Mexico Agustin de Iturbide, took a command with intentions of beginning Mexican independence, plan of iguala made alliance between the two. During 1821 turncoat Iturbide destroyed the Spanish rule and monarchy, later on turcoat was overthrown by the populance.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    Brazil enter the nation hood with considerately nation strife and bloodshed. Tiradentes instigated in 1789 the first rebellion against the Portuguese, who defeated his forces and executed him, and unwittingly made him a national hero in his martyrdom. The french revolution and the Napoleonic wars affected major part of Brazil, dom Pedro faced difficult circumstances or political situation between the Portuguese and Brazilians.
  • Romanticism

    The movement have continued since the 18th century, primarily in literature and art. In France the movement was led by Victor Hugo. Romanticism was especially prevailed in Germany. The main idea of romanticism is that reasons can not explain everything. In reaction to cult of rationality that was the enlightenment. The Enlightenment thinkers consider the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages. Romanticism was a period of ignorance and irrationality.
  • Romanticism (continued)

    Romanticism (continued)
    The Romantics, on the other hand, idealized the Middle Ages as a time of spiritual depth and adventure
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    Wilhelm was crowned kaiser or emperor at the palace of Versailles. During this time period there was seven weeks of war that caused the German Unification, Prussia took control of northern Germany. during 1867 the remaining of states joined a northen Germany confederation. Bismarck made skillful use of diplomacy and warfare to accomplish or be successful with the German Unification. During the 1850 the German economy grew significantly.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    In Piedmont Victor Emmanuel II governed with a parliament whose democratic majority refused to ratify the peace treaty with Austria, in October 1850 another prominent moderate Camillo Benso di Cavour, enetered the cabinet and directed an laissez-faire economic policy.During 1854 France and England intervened in support of the Ottoman Empire against Russia in the Crimean war. In 1853 and insurrection against Austria failed in mainland. The discovery and execution of Belfiore began during 1853-54.