Revolutions/Unifications Timeline

  • Hatian Revolution

    Hatian Revolution
    The island of Hispoaniola in the Caribbean Sea had 500,000 enslaved Africans worked for the French, their master used terror as a method to keep them powerless. In August 1791, 100,000 enslaved Africans revolted against their masters. Later on all enslaved men were freed by a former enslaved African, Toussaint who rose to be a skilled general and ruled the entire island. Jean Jacques Domingue fought for freedom. January 1, 1804 General Dessalines declared the colony an independent control.
  • Bolivar's Route to Victory

    Bolivar's Route to Victory
    Simon Bolivar's was a native Venezuela declared Independence from Spain in 1811. Bolivar's army struggles and he was exiled twice. In August 1819 Bolivar led 2,000 soldiers through Colombia. taking the Spanish army by surprise and defeating the army in Bogota, receiving a decisive victory. Bringing Independence to his country Venezuela after two defeats.
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence
    Miguel Hidalgo took the first step towards independence because he believed in the enlightenment ideas. He gathered people from a church reunion to fight and rebel against the Spanish army with a defeat. Later in 1920 Mexico's creoles feared the loss of their privilege in the Spanish colony, so they united for the support of Mexico's Independence. Agustin de Iturbide who was once defeated by the Spanish now defeated Padre Morelos and proclaimed independence in 1821.
  • Brazil's Royal Liberator

    Brazil's Royal Liberator
    The Brazilian Independence was unique because it included no violence or bloodshed. A member from a Portuguese royal family helped Brazil from Portugal.During Napoleon wanted to close ports from Britain, Prince John and his royal family escaped. They escaped towards Rio de Janiero, Portuguese's largest colony. For about 14 years Portuguese governed Brazil, but King John wanted to make Brazil a colony. He demanded Independence from Portugal and finally claimed Brazil Independence without blood.
  • San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces

    San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces
    San Martin from Argentina declared Independence in 1816 but had Peru, Chile as a threat. Bernardo O'Higgins, who defeated Peru join San Martin and helped him free Argentina from Chile. Later on San Martin needed to take out the rest of the Spanish forces so he joined with Simon Bolivar, who defeated the Spanish before to help him with the battle. Knowing he needed a larger army he met Simon at Ecuador in 1822. Leaving his army under Simon's control leading to a great Victory against the Spanish.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    The greek revolution took place during 1821 through 1832. The causes were because the increase of taxes.. The greek economic revival of the 18th century brought about by the British French wars, the provision of the Russo-Turkish treaties and the French-British wars that followed.Greece were fighting for liberty, human rights, and independence. A revolt against Ottoman rule gave Serbia semi-independence beginning in 1813 that encouraged the greeks to fight back. Greece won their independence.
  • Prussia Leads German Unifiication

    Prussia Leads German Unifiication
    Prussia got anything they could like advantages to help forge a strong German state. Prussia had mainly a German population, nationalism unified Prussia. In difference Austria-Hungary tore the empire apart. While Prussia had by far the most powerful army in Central Europe. In 1848, Berlin rioters wrote up a liberal constitution paving away for unification.
  • Romanticism

    This Movement reflected deep interest both in nature and in the thoughts and feelings of the individual. In many ways, Romantic thinkers/writers reacted against the ideas of the enlightenment.The idea of Romanticism is emotion, sometimes emotion was a key element of romanticism.However, romanticism went beyond feelings.Romantics expressed a wide range of ideas and attitudes.In general, romantic thinkers and artists focused on the mysterious, the supernatural, and the exotic, or grotesque etc:
  • Cavour Leads Italian Unification

    Cavour Leads Italian  Unification
    The kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia was adopted a liberal constitution in 1848. The kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia was the largest and most powerful of the Italian states. The king of Sardinia was Victor Emmuanel II, named and the prime minister was Camillo di Covour. Cavour found out that Austria was their roadblock and asked Napoleon to help him drive them out. Covour atrts war is the Austrians and quickly won 2 battles with the army of French-Sardinias. Covout took control of most northern Italy.