Revolutions Timeline

  • First Industrial revolution

    First Industrial revolution
    The First industrial Revolution began around 1750 and it starts originally in England. It was a period of profound economic and social changes, caused by widespread use of machinery in production. It had also changes in the way of concentrating the factories on cities.
  • Indepence of the United States

    Indepence of the United States
    The war of Independence of United States was a war in which Thirteen colonies in North America faced against the Kingdom of Great Britain because Great Britain treated unfairly the colonies. Finally the British were defeated at the battle of Yorktown and the sign of the Treaty of Paris.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict with various periods of violence, that convulsed France and finished involving to other European Nations that face supporters and opponents of the Old Regime. It ended with Napoleon Bonaparte´s coup in 1799.
  • Napoleonic Empire

    Napoleonic Empire
    The French Empire was created by Napoleon Bonaparte. This Imperial state carried out many wars with European states, specially with Great Britain, Austria, Prussia nad Russia who struggled to prevent its expansion.
  • Period: to

    Nationalisms (War of Spanish Independence, Courts of Cadiz, Liberal Triennium, Isabel II reign and Democratic Sexennium)

    Nationalisms were liberal or national unity thoughts that arose at the end of the 18th century in Spain. From them, important events arose in the country such as the War of Independence and the Courts of Cádiz, the Liberal Triennium, the Isabel II reign, the democratic sexennium and the Independence of Latin America.
  • War of Spanish Independence

    War of Spanish Independence
    The War of Independence was one of the wars during the napoleonic wars. It lasted from 1808 to 1814 and it faced the spanish people, which didn´t want the absolutism that would come, with United Kingdom and Portugal, against the First French Empire, who wanted to put Jose Bonaparte in the Spanish throne. Finally, Napoleon returned the throne to Ferdinand VII after many defeats.
  • Courts of Cádiz

    Courts of Cádiz
    Tha Courts of Cádiz was a constituent assembly created in San Fernando but later transferred to Cádiz by the War of Independence. These courts were intended to defend the French invasion adn fill the power they lacked. It decreed national sovereignty, division of powers, recognitionof king Ferdinand VII, among other things.
  • Latinoamerican independence

    Latinoamerican independence
    Following the French Revolution, many Latin American colonies developed independence movements. In 1810, several American territories established juntas that claimed to be acting on behalf of Fernando VII. Fernando VII finally returned to power and there were many wars of Independence across Spanish America.
    -1816, Independence of Argentina
    -1818, Independence of Chile
    -1819, Republic of Gran Colombia was formed
    -1821, Mexico´s one
    -1824, Peru became independent
    -1825, Bolivian´s independence
  • Revolutions of 1820

    Revolutions of 1820
    In 1820 there were several European revolutions:
    - Spain: Period of liberal goverment following a military uprising against Fernando VII. (1720-23)
    - Greece: They revolted successfully against the Ottoman Empire (nationalisms) during the Greek War of Independence. (1821-29)
  • Liberal Triennium

    Liberal Triennium
    The Liberal Triennium is a period of three years, between the absolutist sexennium (after the War od Independence) and the end of the absolutism of Ferdinand VII.
    The period begins with the uprising led by Rafael del Riego that forces Ferdinand to reestablish the Constitution of 1812, and it ends with the arrival of the One Houndred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis in Spain, which forced the dissolution of the courts, abolish the constitution and restablish the absolutist monarchy of Ferdinand VII.
  • Period: to

    Bougeois revolutions (1820,1830 and 1848)

    Period of many uprisings of the people and wars throughout Europe to avoid the absolutism.
  • Revolutions of 1830

    Revolutions of 1830
    The revolutions continue in Europe against absolutists:
    - France: Charles X was deposed and replaced by Louis Philippe of Orleans who in the beggining was more liberal. (1830)
    - Belgium: An uprising in the Kingdom of the Netherlands led to the creation of the new sate of Belgium. (1830-31)
    - Poland: There was an uprising against the Russian Empire, but this was severely repressed. (1831)
  • Isabel II reign

    Isabel II reign
    Isabel II reign was a period that started with the death of Ferdinand VII and the first defeat of the absoluts (Carlists) in the Carlists wars and lasted until de Revolution of 1868, that forced her into exile.
    Her reign is divided into 2 great stages:
    -Minority of age, during which Maria Cristina and Espartero assumed the regency.
    -"Effective reign", that it starts when the court advanced the majority age. It is divided in the moderate decade, the progressive biennium and the liberal union.
  • Unification of Italy

    Unification of Italy
    The Italian Unification was a process that led to the union of various States into which the Italian Peninsula was divided. The Kingdom of Piedmont led the unification process under Emanuele II and Cavour.
    -1859, they get the region of Lombardy when they defeated the Austrians with France.
    -1860-61, they took control of Naples and Sicily, forming a new parliament and becoming Emanuele king of Italy.
    -1866, they received Venice from Prussia.
    -1870, they occupied Rome and became Italy's capital.
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions of 1848
    There were many attempted revolutions in Europe.
    The most affected were:
    -France: King Louis Phillipe was deposed because he became conservative and corrupt. Instead, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was elected president of the Second French Republic although in 1852 he declared himself Emperor of the Second French Empire.
    -Germany: People made demonstrations called for German national unity and liberal reforms.
    -Habsburg Empire: A national movement in Hungary fought for independence.
  • Period: to

    Period of thinking as a nation

    This period started when nationalism was developed and people with the same language and culture start to think themselves as a nation. In this way, a nation would live in a single country.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    German unification was a process that took place in the second part of the 19th century. After 1862, Wilhelm I and Bismarck achived the unification of Germany through military actions.
    -1864, Prussia invaded and annexed two territories of Denmark that were in tensions.
    -1866, Austro-Prussian War took place and won a desicive victory to Austria.
    -1870-71, During the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia and it´s German allies defeated France.
    -1871, Second Reich was proclaimed and Wilhelm became Kaiser.
  • Democratic Sexennium

    Democratic Sexennium
    The Democratic Sexennium was a period in the Contemporary history of Spain that lasted from Triumph of the Revolution of 1868 until the Uprising of 1874. This period is divided into 3 stages:
    - The provisional goverment
    - Amadeo I reign
    - First Spanish Republic