El cura hidalgo de mural diego rivera

Revolutions Of Latin America

  • ~Start of Haitian Revolution~

    ~Start of Haitian Revolution~
    The Revolution began with Toussaint, he took control of the island and freed all enslaved Africans. Oppressed people started to rise up against their french masters. Many slaves rose in revolt. The individuals leaders were Toussaint L’Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Toussaints lieutenant. Toussaint L’Ouverture
    was a Haitian general and best leader known in the Haitian Revolution.
  • ~End of Haitian Revolution~

    ~End of Haitian Revolution~
    Yes, the revolution was successful because Haiti became the first black colony to free itself from the Europeans. Also the made slavery illegal in Haiti. Haiti became an independent colony. They fought against the French.
  • ~Start Of the Brazilian Revolution~

    ~Start Of the Brazilian Revolution~
    The portugueses royal family actually played a key role in freeing Brazil from Portugal. Napoleon's armies invaded both Spain and Portugal. It occurred without violence. Creoles led the Revolution. King John and Dom pedro were the leaders of the Revolution.
  • ~Start Of Mexican Revolution~

    ~Start Of Mexican Revolution~
    Miguel issued a call for the rebellion. Then indians and mestizos began a march toward Mexico City. The uprising scared the spanish army and the creoles because they had land and property to loss. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. The Indians and Mestizos lead the revolution.
  • ~Start of South American Revolution~

    ~Start of South American Revolution~
    The creoles brought the ideas to Latin America. They felt no loyalty towards the king and had the knowledge of the natural rights. So they had the power to rebel. Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin were the individual leaders.
  • ~End Of Mexican Revolution~

    ~End Of Mexican Revolution~
    The revolution was successful because Mexico got their independence from spain. The crazy thing is the man who defeated the rebel Padre Morelos was the one who proclaimed independence. They fought against Spain.
  • ~End Of Brazilian Revolution~

    ~End Of Brazilian Revolution~
    Yes it was a successful revolution because Brazil had won their independence. Also they won in a bloodless revolution. They fought against Portugal.
  • ~End of South American Revolution~

    ~End of South American Revolution~
    The revolution was successful because during the last major battle for independence the spanish colonies won their independence. The future countries of venezuela,Colombia,Panama, and Ecuador were united into one country called Gran Colombia. They fought against Spain.