Revolutions In Latin America

By Los_215
  • Start of the Haiti Revolution

    Start of the Haiti Revolution
    It all started with white slave owners mistreating the french revolution inspired the slaves to fight back against their master.
  • End of the Haitian revolution

    End of the Haitian revolution
    The British ended up freeing the slaves.Toussaint Louverture was the key leader of this resolution.
  • Start of the Colombian Revolution

    Start of the Colombian Revolution
    Prominent among the first revolutionary leaders was Antonio Nariño, who took part in the uprising at Bogotá on July 20, 1810. The revolution was to last nine years before the victory of Simón Bolívar at Boyacá secured the independence of Greater Colombia.
  • Start of the Venezuela's Revolution

    Start of the Venezuela's Revolution
    The French invasion of Spain in 1808 led to the collapse of the Spanish Monarchy. Most subjects of Spain did not accept the government of Joseph Bonaparte, placed on the Spanish throne by his brother, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France. At the same time, the process of creating a stable government in Spain, which would be widely recognized throughout the empire, took two years.
  • Start of the Argentine Revolution

    Start of the Argentine Revolution
    It was a week-long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present-day Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.
  • The end of the Argentine Revolution

    The end of the Argentine Revolution
    The Primera Junta sent military campaigns to the viceroyalty, in order to secure support to the new authorities and retain the authority held as the capital of the viceroyalty. The victories and defeats of the military conflict delimited the areas of influence of the new United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. With the non-aggression pact arranged with Paraguay early on.The leaders of this resolution was Manuel Belgrano, Juan José.
  • End of the Colombian Revolution

    End of the Colombian Revolution
    Colombian patriots stirred the population of Bogotá into street protests against Spanish rule. The Viceroy, under pressure, was forced to agree to allow for a limited independence which later became permanent. Today, July 20 is celebrated in Colombia as Independence Day.This revolution was led by Anthonio Narino
  • Start of the Peru Revolution

    Start of the Peru Revolution
    Despite the royalist tendencies of Peru, junta movements did emerge, often fomented by the approach of patriot armies from Buenos Aires. There were two short-lived uprisings in the southern city of Tacna in 1811 and 1813. One significant movement, led by Natives in Huánuco, began on February 22, 1812. It involved various leaders, including curacas and township magistrates, but was suppressed within a few weeks. More enduring was the rebellion of Cuzco from 1814 to 1815.
  • End of the Venezuela Revolution

    End of the Venezuela Revolution
    The establishment of the Supreme Caracas Junta following the forced deposition of Vicente Emparan as Captain General of the Captaincy General of Venezuela on April 19, 1810, marked the beginnings of the war. On July 5, 1811, seven of the ten provinces of the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence in the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence.The person who led this revolution is Hugo Chavez.
  • Start of the Mexican revolution

    Start of the Mexican revolution
    Mexican had a revolution on spain The Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910, ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic. A number of groups, led by revolutionaries including Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, participated in the long and costly conflict.
  • Start of the Ecuadorian Revolution

    Start of the Ecuadorian Revolution
    The military campaign for the independence of the territory now known as Ecuador from Spanish rule could be said to have begun after nearly three hundred years of Spanish colonization. Ecuador's capital Quito was a city of around ten thousand inhabitants. It was there, on August 10, 1809 that the first call for independence from Spain was made in Latin America, under the leadership of the city's criollos, including Carlos Montúfar, Eugenio Espejo and Bishop Cuero y Caicedo.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution ended in success because the spanish were with Mexico to proclaim their independence in 1821 after rebel padre morales was killed.The leader of this is Carranza, Venustiano.
  • End of the Ecuadorian Revolution

    End of the Ecuadorian Revolution
    Not all was lost help was on the way. By February 1821 the foreign aid requested by the Junta de Guayaquil back in October finally materialized in the form of Spanish-born independentist General José Mires sent by General Simón Bolívar President of Gran Colombia. Even more welcomed perhaps was what Mires had brought along with him 1,000 muskets 50,000 musket rounds 8,000 bits of flint 500 sabers and 100 pairs of pistols Mires instructions were clear This revolution was led by Simón Bolívar.
  • Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    Quest for independence was unique in of latin american.The Independence of Brazil comprised a series of political and military events that occurred in 1821–1824, most of which involved disputes between Brazil and Portugal regarding the call for independence presented by the Brazilian Empire. It is celebrated on September 7, the anniversary of the September 7, 1822 date regent Prince Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence from Portugal.
  • Ending of the Brazilian Revolution

    Ending of the Brazilian Revolution
    Had won independence.Since Brazil had been ‘discovered’ by the Portuguese in the 16th century, the governing of this land had, largely, been up to this European nation. Of course, other nations (such as France) tried to gain military and political power but had been largely unsuccessful. Since 1808, King Dom João VI had been residing in Brazil, having made it one of the Kingdoms of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves.Led by Pedro I, and Joao VI.
  • End of the peru Revolution

    End of the peru Revolution
    The 21st of August 1820, an amphibious landing took place in the city of Valparaiso by the Peruvian Liberation Expedition under Chilean flag. Said expedition was composed of 4,118 soldiers. On the 7th of September the Liberation expedition arrived on the bay of Pisco in today's Region of Ica and captured the province by the following day.