Haitian Revolution
Haiti was a French colony called Saint Domingue. During the French Revolution they also stood up and wanted their freedom. In August a leader emerged and he was Toussaint. He was a good leader, even though he hadn't any military experience. In 1802 french troops landed in Haiti because they didn't want to lose the land. At the end the French and the rebels had to make a deal. The deal that they made was that the rebels would stop revolting, if the french agreed to end slavery in Haiti. -
German Unification (Begins)
In 1815, 39 German states formed the German Confederation and were dominated by the Austrian Empire. Prussia wold lead the German Unification because the Germans supported more Prussia because Prussia had a lot of German population. In 1862 Otto von Bismark was chosen by Wilhelm as the prime minister and he became one of the commanding figures of German history because of his knowledge as realpolitik. He then went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain territory. -
Latin American Wars of Independence (North Simon Bolivar)
Simon Bolivar was a wealthy Venezuelan creole that declared the Independence of Venezuela from Spain in 1811. However, that didn't mean that Venezuela was an independent country yet. He had to fought hard and got defeated a lot of times, but he never gave up, he also had to go to exile twice. In 1819 Bolivar got an important victory. Bolivar defeated the Spanish army by coming from a way that the Spanish didn't expect. With that victory was huge and in 1821 he won the independence for Venezuela. -
Latin American Wars to Independence ( South San Martin)
San Martin was from Argentina, and even tough Argentina had declared their independence from Spain in 1816, Spanish forces that were in Chile and Peru were a threat to them. I 1817 he and his army went to Chile and with the help of O'Higgins and his troops they were able to freed Chile from Spain. In 1821 he started to plan to take the Spanish forces out of Peru, but to do that he need more troops. To take the Spanish forces out he met with Bolivar and gave him his army and Bolivar freed Peru. -
Greek Revolution
The Greeks were under the control of the Ottoman Empire, but they kept alive their history and culture. Therefore, they decided to become independent and rebelled against the Ottoman Empire. The Greeks had a lot of popular support because other countries liked their culture and religion. In 1827, a British, French and Russian fleet destroyed the Ottoman fleet. That showed the support that Greece had. In 1830, Britain, France, and Russia signed a treaty that guaranteed the independence of Greece. -
Mexican Revolution
In 1810 Hidalgo rose up to fight for the independence of Mexico. However, when the Creoles and Spanish heard that they went to war with Hidalgo and defeated him. In 1811 Morelos rose up as the leader. He led the revolution for four years and was defeated in 1815 by a creole officer. In 1820, the Spanish revolution put a liberal group in power and the creoles feared to lose their privileges. Therefore, the same creole officer that defeated Morelos rose up and he gained Mexico's independence. -
Brazilian Independence
The Brazilian Independence was unique because they gain their independence from Portugal with no violence. In 1807 Napoleon's armies invaded Spain and Portugal. Therefore, the king of Portugal went to Brazil, so Napoleon couldn't defeat him. After Napoleon's defeat in 1815, King John and his government returned to Portugal. They planned to colonize Brazil again, but the Brazilians didn't want to be colonize again. They signed a petition for independence and King John agreed in 1822. -
During the 1800s artists focused in ideas of freedom, right of people. However, that changed after the revolutions that happened in 1848, and now the artists expressed the realistic view of society in their portraits. This change is known as romanticism. This period when artists expressed a lot of interest in nature and in the thoughts of people. The ideas of Romanticism were also to express the radical change and democracy. Romanticism not only expressed in arts, but also in poetry and music. -
Italian Unification
Camillo di Cavour was a smart man that work hard to reunite the northern part of Italy. He plan alliances with France to take back the land that where theirs. Troops of France and Sardinia went to war with the troops of Austria to gain more land. They had two victories and they got the territory back except Venetia. When that was happening in the Northern, Garibaldi was planning to reunite the southern part of Italy secretly. Garilbaldi kept winning wars and territory in the south for Italy. -
German Unification (end)
It all ended in 1871 with Germany as one of the strongest country economically and